The Forgotten Creatures of Long Ago

      You enter a strange forest and look around.  There are trees that seem to loom over you all around.  The eerie silence of this particular area seems to penetrate deep into your bones.  As you walk towards a clearing, the wind seems to pick up.  When you make it to the clearing, you are really tired, like you had been walking all day.  But you just started walking, didn't you?  Suddenly, the forset floor gives way underneathe you and you feel yourself falling.  The air around you is thick and very hard to breathe.  You feel yourself slip into unconsciousness and continue falling. 
       You wake up to see a strange animal on your chest.  It's furry body a comfort to your aching chest.  When you start to move, the creature waddles off of you and onto the floor.  It starts to walk towards a door, but when you try and stand a whoozy feeling rushes over you.  Should you try to follow the creature or stay where you are?  You quickly go after it.

Follow the creature

Attention:  Falconair has located a stray nest of baby Unicorns!!  If anyone would like one, just send your name, E-Mail, and URL of the new Baby to Falconair.  You can reach her through E-Mail at  Thanks for lending a home!  There are only three colts, so please tell me quickly if you want one.

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