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Thursday, July 18th, 2002:
Today I did the first updates to this site in about 2 years. I took down some of the dead links and updated some of the content. I'm going to try to make monthly updates to the site from this point forward and sometime in the future you will see a whole new layout for the site with all new content. I apologize to all of you who may have visited the site during the past two years. During that time I just didn't have the time to keep it updated as I like to and many of the links had become inactive. You still may find a few inactive links and outdated graphics but I've tried to update most of them. As a result of not having time to keep the site up to date over the past two years, I let our domain name, TuckZone.com expire so it will no longer work to access the site. The site can be accessed with either of these two addresses: /ovalracer9/ -or- http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Omega/7445/. Also, I'll be getting married on October 5th, 2002 and will be spending a week in Mexico after that. I'll try to post some photos from my trip after I return.
Thursday, May 18th, 2000:
We added a much easier to read scrolling message menu like the one at the top of this page to some pages, replacing the old style menu. I have to apologize for the lack of recent updates to our site but I just haven't had the time to keep it up the way I should. I'll try to do a better job in the future! A few other minor changes were made to the site format today as well.
Friday, December 10th, 1999:
The first stages of a major site overhaul began today. Over the next few months we will be adding several "Shockwave Flash" features to the site. Currently the "Website Design" page is the only page fully converted. The new "Website Design" page was completely created with "Flash." Look for more pages with "Flash" features in the next few months. You must have "Shockwave Flash" on your computer in order to view any of these new features. If you don't have "Shockwave Flash," then I suggest downloading and installing it soon since several websites are now using it.
Saturday, October 23th, 1999:
The link to the photograph page has now been integrated into the site navigation map and the separate links to the photograph page have been removed from all pages. A new photograph section navigation map has also been added to all of the photograph pages making it easier to go from one page to the next.
Sunday, October 17th, 1999:
The page of photographs I last spoke about almost 3 months ago has finally been created and can now be accessed. Until we update our site navigation map again, the photograph page link will be located above the main navigation map on our Home Page and below the main navigation map on our Site Information, (this), Page, as well as on each of the individual photograph pages above the main navigation map. These links will disappear when the link is integrated into our "Site Navigation Panel." Check the main photograph page for updates because we will be rotating and adding photographs from time to time.
Friday, September 24th, 1999:
We added a weather page today. It automatically displays local weather for Fairmount, Indiana. Visitors have the option of entering a city name or zip code to display up to the minute weather for the location of their choice.
Thursday, September 2nd, 1999:
A new and improved site navigation panel was installed today along with two new pages. Those pages are "Tuck Zone Website Design" and "The Tuck Zone General Store!" Also, a new cosmic background image was added to all pages as well as a new header image complete with new and improved lightning! Hehehehehehe
Monday, August 2nd, 1999:
We are in the process of adding several new links on our "Sports Links" page. New image maps are being designed right now and should all be up within the next few days. There will be separate image maps for different sports categories. The "Motorsports Panel" is complete and on the site now. Look for "Baseball," "Football," "Basketball," and "Miscellaneous" panels later this week.
Friday, July 30th, 1999:
Ok, we took the big step and we now have our own domain, tuckzone.com. The old address will still work but the new, easier to remember address is: www.tuckzone.com
We added several animations to the site today. There is at least one new animation on every page with as many as 3 on some pages. The new animations don't seem to add much to download time.
Also, to keep you up to date, we're still planning on adding a page with pictures of friends of The Tuck Zone as well as a page of custom designed graphics. Look for these pages sometime in August.
Added a section titled "Cool Stories." It currently only has one story posted but will have more in the future. Feel free to email me any stories you want me to consider for posting on this site.
We added a new page to the site. The new page is called "Fun Stuff." It has various games such as Poker and Slot Machine. It also has a link to Playsite.com.
We moved entire site to Geocities. The new homepage address is: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Omega/7445/index.html. I guess you already know that if you're reading this! Duhhhhhhh.
We added "The Joke Of The Week" to The Humor Zone.
All new image maps have been completed. They replace most of the text links on the site making it both easier to navigate and more attractive.
Page Two has been officially renamed the Sports Links page. You can go there to visit the websites of various professional and collegiate sports organizations.
The comic strip we added last Sunday has been moved to the Humor Zone pages.
Sunday, June 20th, 1999:
We added a comic to Page Two titled "Not In My Backyard."
Saturday, June 19th, 1999:
All pages have been updated and the site is now a lot easier to navigate.
There is no longer a Navigation Page since it is no longer necessary. That page is currently known only as Page Two. When we figure out what we're going to use that page for on a permanent basis, we'll change it.
Friday, June 18th, 1999:
A chat page was added today. It is free for use by all visitors to this site. If you don't currently have a nickname and password with Chat City, then you'll have to get one before you can chat. It is a simple process and only takes about a minute to do. There are instructions on how to do this on the Chat page.
Thursday, June 17th, 1999:
The site was completely overhauled today. It takes a little longer to load but I think the improved graphics are a fair trade off. The format has changed somewhat on some pages and all pages have been updated or added to.
The Nascar Page takes a while to load but is worth the wait. You are actually loading 5 pages and this is why it takes so long. It usually takes about 2-1/2 minutes to completely load with a 28.8kbps internet connection using Internet Explorer 5.0.
We are currently working on a page for pictures of friends and family as well as a page of computer generated graphics designed by yours truly. Unfortunately these pages have been put on hold until we're done updating and improving the existing pages. Look for this page and other additional pages sometime over the next couple of months.
Some pages have sounds embedded within the page. It may take a minute to load them. If you leave the page before they're loaded, you won't hear them. These pages currently include the Home Page, the Humor Zone Page and the Mystery Moon Page.
Tuesday, June 1st, 1999:
This site was designed by "The Tuck Zone Web Designs" to be fun, entertaining and informative. This "work in progress" will be improved upon often so be sure to come back and see what's new! We hope you enjoy your visit here and find this site helpful if not entertaining...
There are several java applets active within this site but if your browser is not java enabled you won't be able to see them. You can download a java enabled browser from the links below.
Also, there are several animated objects within this site. Some older browsers, including Internet Explorer 4.0 and older, may not load these objects correctly. This site is designed for and works best with Internet Explorer 5.0 and newer. Again, you can download this for free by clicking on the link below.
Download Internet Explorer 6.0 for Windows or Internet Explorer for Macintosh from the link above. Although this site was designed for MS Internet Explorer, we have also included a link where you can download Netscape Communicator.