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Interviews | [Dyms] Sonik |
1. What is you tag, age and how long have you been writing? 2. Who or what got you into writing and how did you come across you style? I got in to tagging with dodgy markers at school after a kid who tagged up "Spi" said to me that I should make up a tag, so I did it was "Fat" then I mucked around for a while changing tags all the time, at this stage I didn't even know what a piece was. I hooked up with other interested kids at school and they showed me a water reservoir that had pieces on it by the CFL crew (Toke, Just and Pufr). Then I met Jope and Kesm, this really inspired me and I did my first piece soon after. I guess I came to the style that I use today after taking in all that I could. It's a blend of all my experiences. A friend says when he looks at a piece by me he sees a freaked out little kid, and I guess he's right!. 3. Tell me what you think on the subject of style? I hear alot of talk about style but for me it comes down to everything you do, not just graffiti. Everyone has their own style. I like styles that are not necessarily the same as everyone else in that scene, breaking stereotypes is cool, like, for example, when people think of a writer they usually associate that person with a "homeboy" look, that's dodgy. 4. Who in you mind has style. Alot of people do dope pieces and have mad styles... There is not really a stand out. 5. Who has influenced your style? Alot has influenced my style, not only writer. If I was going to name writers I would have to say Jope, Linzi (L Rocs) and probably every writer I've ever met has influenced me in some way. Music definitely has and so has life's general problems. 6. You say music and life experiences have influenced your work what music do you dig and what kind of life experiences have influenced your work? I like heaps of different styles, Hip hop of course, but I mainly listen to Aussie hip hop, I think it is the best in the world. Punk is one of my favorites, I also listen to Ska, big beats (chemical), Drum and Bass. I really get into bands suck as Rage Against the Machine, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Deftones etc. As for life experiences, just stuff that happens to me will influence what I put up on the wall. If I am angry then the piece will reflect that and if I'm really pissed off then I'll put that into it. If some thing good happens.. eg breakups, wars etc, etc.. I'll put that into the mood of the piece, the letter shapes and and the saying at the bottom, it all relates to how I am feeling and what I am going through. 7. Is graffiti your only outlet in the aussie hip hop scene? do you MC, DJ or Breakdance? Painting is my only creative out put in the hip hop scene, unfortunately. I love Breaking and Djing and I would love to do it but I just cant find the time to learn. As for Mcing the skills are just not there. 8. In Townsville are there many writers? There are a handful of us here in Townsville, the main standouts are Linzi and Baret, but other guys are Vix, Ians, Seyber from Adelaide is up here at the moment, Smizla, Lokus, Kesm, Merc, Cel, Trams and pickles there are more but I've got a mindblank at the moment. 9. How bad is the toy scene and how bad is capping? There was heaps of toys here, they used to get cartons of Dy-Mark and bomb up everywhere, they've died down a bit but there are still a few left. As for capping it is the same as anywhere else, kids write on pieces, toys cap pieces, wankers go over other pieces trying to start beef...but I wont mention any names. 10. On you web page you document mainly "Burners", do you ever go tagging, bombing, Freight bombing etc? I haven't been been bombing for a while, mainly because if I write Dyms up here I am likely to get the police knocking on my door, and I will definitely loose all my work with the council. For myself, In Townsville it's not worth it.. the public don't care and there are hardly any writers to see it any way, so I'm just trying to do nice pieces. I am waiting for my trips around Australia, I haven't been to Brisbane for a long time and when I get down there again I cant wait to paint trains again and go bombing and all that but in Townsville I couldn't be bothered. 11. Townsville seems to have many legal walls like the Mindham site, what is your views on legal walls? Legal walls are good but they make you lazy. We have many legals up here and it is good cause you can get paid for your work, But however I miss the Night time missions, not knowing if you'll get chased so I'm really trying to get back down south for obvious reasons. 12. Ever been busted for any aspect of graff damage. Never busted, I had the cops take a boot full of paint from my car once, I got the paint back months later... They still have my camera 13. Got any really good chase stories? I don't have any great chase stories, but I got chase with Cean from he main train yards. I was trying to piece a dead Sydney train but a worker saw us, while jumping under and through trains with the worker trailing us and another guy on a 4 wheeler coming from the other side, just when we thought we were screwed he tried to ride over the tracks to get us but he got caught on the tracks so we jumped the last train and made a break for it, all I could hear was the bike coming, we ran behind some containers and jumped a fence into a truck yard.. he must have thought we were going to keep running, so we lost him....MMM!!! 14. Have you thought about doing and selling your work on canvases? This get suggested to me a fair bit, I wouldn't mind doing some canvases for myself, but I'm not fussed on it. 15. Do you have any plans on going over seas? Yeah I hope to tour Europe and the UK when I can save enough cash..America is definitely on the agenda and so is Canada, I should be heading to New Zealand next year to visit Relatives and to paint of course. 16. Give us the low down on the writers you have painted with? I have painted with all the Townsville lads, when in Brisbane I stay with Voe and the crew down there (Deab) and I've painted with Kover (DTS), Seiz, Kid Rock, Naut, Jury, Seyber and Kasino... There's more but I cant remember them 17. What is the availability of paints in Townsville? We have Krylon but sometimes the rack gets a little bit empty and you don't get a good choice of colors. We also have Dulux coming out of our ears. 18. What is your favorite color and brand Favorite brand is Krylon as for color purple or Emerald green. 19. have you ever had graff wars with any other writers Yeah I have had my fair share of problems with writers, but mainly backstabbing crap that has all been squashed in the long run anyway. No really bad cross out problems, just people being nobs and going over pieces etc. 20. What are your plans for the future graff wise? I'm going to dedicate myself to producing more quality paintings, I want to pull of some burners (I don't think I have done one yet). Also travel the world and paint everywhere. I'm planning a tour from here to Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne and anywhere in between. I also want to paint panels, I haven't had this opportunity yet. 21. Want to give props to anyone? Props to anyone who is doing creative things worldwide and sticking to the underground and being true to yourselves.. Shout outs to: God, Yowie, Linzi, Ians, Voe, Deab, Mel, Baker, Prit, Belle, Hype mag, Wishful Thinking, Beanbag, Kid Rock, Naut, Jury, Revs and anyone else I'm cool with, you know who you are 22. Any advice for upcoming writers who are reading this? Just paint heaps, and don't be afraid to do something crazy just because its different and people wont like it, get out there and do it, MAD!! |