Nov 20 , 2003
Some times I miss you so much that I feel like my whole world is crashing down. I am having such a hard time not having you here. Last year when I spent Thanksgiving with Ed’s family, I figured that this year I would bring him by Uncle Tonzi’s. I thought that because Ed had just lost his father it was important to be with his family. Who the hell knew I would lose you and Uncle Tonzi 6 weeks apart and POOF no more famous Thanksgivings?
I know, I can hear you, I know I did the right thing last year, but I’m hurting so bad. Ed will never know what it was like every year. So I’m left here trying like mad to make our own traditions. I invited his whole family here, and I’m sure you know what’s going on. I don’t understand why his Grandma has to be like that. I want you! You would never do this to me. Why on earth and I left with his Grandma and not you? I just wanted to be nice and invite them all, I can’t believe they all won’t come. At least I’ll have Ed’s mom, brothers and sister and my mom together. I don’t even know how to cook for that small number of people!
Ok anyway, so far I have on my menu, a Turkey, a Ham, sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberries and your string beans. They don’t have Thanksgivings like we did, so I’m sure they will freak when they have a Ham and Turkey. But hey, I’m your granddaughter I have to do it right! They don’t even have an antipasto, pasta or any other appetizers. I have to break them in slowly. I am still going to do all that, I just don’t know how much and what to make. Even the desserts I’m not sure about. If I put out 5 different types that’s almost one whole dessert per person! I think I’m going to put them into shock. Oh and I promise I’ll take a picture of the food like you did every year. I never understood that either, but I’m gonna do it this year. |