Grandma Updates

June 25, 2004


Sometimes I still pick up the phone to call you, and forget you're not going to be on the other end to answer the phone.

Matt and I are getting ready for the IJO show and I've been super busy. Amy's coming with us and she just called me. She came home from shopping and wanted to tell me what she got.

I'm not really happy with what I bought to wear to the formal dinner, so I went looking to see if I had a picture of what I wore to my dad's wedding. I ended up coming here to check the photos.

Of course that made me start crying again because I can't ask you if you like the red outfit I wore to the wedding or the new black one I bought. I decided I'm going to wear the red so nobody can give me mallocchio.

Ed's Uncle past away suddenly this week. The funeral was Wednesday. It was hard for me to deal with it. I still think of your funeral and everything that went on. And coming up on your anniversary hasn't been easy either. I can't believe it'll be a year already.

Amy asked me last night if I wanted to spend that day with her and her kids so I'm not alone. She promised to keep me busy every year on your anniversary. As you will say "we'll see". I don't know what I want to do yet.


Arlena emailed me this week. She misses you too. She even said she woke up and wanted to call you to tell you about Ciara.

You are missed by so many people, everyone loved you so much. Watch over me. I still need you.

Always in my heart

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