May 6 , 2004
I’ve been working all day and it’s been going fast. We had a new client call and that was exciting. So the day has really been busy. Then all of the sudden at 3 pm out of no where I felt so sick to my stomach I had to go lay down.
The only person around that I could call was George. I knew he couldn’t do anything for me, but I had to let someone know I felt sick and had to lay down. My head was spinning my stomach hurt and I just laid there for 45 minutes drifting in and out.
I got up at 4 when George called to check on me. I looked at the clock and said “ok I have a few hours until Friends is on” then the tears came rolling down my face and I haven’t been able to stop.
The pain in my stomach got worse, my head feels like it’s going to explode. I’m not sick, I just miss you so much today that my body can’t take it.