Grandma Updates

July 23, 2003

On July 12, I received a phone call from my brother, that my grandmother was being moved to PA to live with our father.

With my family being the way they are, they waited until a half hour before she was leaving to tell both of us.

Because of all put it nicely...crap with my family I have changed some things in my life. I am looking forward to a life with my new husband's family and my friends, will be "our family"

I have a new godson on the way, and I have another godson Brandon, those boys and their families -are- "my family". They say you can't pick your family...well I just did.

On July 23 both my brother and I received the famous "this is it" phone call. Keep in mind we have received this phone call at least once a month.

So if this is really it, I pray that my grandmother goes peacefully and that she will met up with my grandfather, who she has missed so dearly.

I never understood how much you could love someone until I met Ed. It is only now I understand how lonely my grandmother was all these years without her soul mate and why she spent her days with "us kids".

I hope when the time comes I am just as wonderful as a grandmother as she was. She was my whole world, another mom and my best friend.

I will miss her for the rest of my life until I finally meet up with her again.

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