(;}% R0CK S0L1D's (;}%


under construction

need content pages


have lots to add here
ofcourse you know maddox and the NP
but I doubted YouTube in the past
and recently discovered their time trials
and anime music videos ...
kind of inspiring
some killer boss battles recorded
could be interesting with some
of my rap flow .


* under construction *

Yeah, yeah, so it looks like 50 Cent's new ablum Curtis is out on the market, and me being the wanksta that I am, wish I could go buy it, but Public Works only gave me about $200 dollars thus far for the month of August and September, so I got to get back working so I can pay RBC all the money back that the gym and the NSLC took while I was at the hospital.

Not to mention not being able to smoke or drink, having to keep the peace, and the fact that I can't carry a cross-bow puts me on a half-rapping status, trying to work this living arrangement out with my bro's and do it right this time. Not to mention still have court appearances and doctor appointments, I'm willing to find out what exactly is wrong with my mother, my brother and myself.

However, I do plan to make this an outlet for my stupid flash games I hope to get underway, I see no problem in recreating some old classics (I'd love to rebuild Double Dragon, Renegade, and Final Fight style beat-em ups) , hell Iv'e been seeing some pretty impressive classics remade on NEWGROUNDS , not to mention Iv'e been working an RPG in my head for years, nothing fancy, good old 2D stuff. I'm always trying to further my software writing skills, and love posting tech tips (stops me from repeating myself) ... for instance for a quick spell check : goto, my favourite search engine 'google', type the word you think you are misspelling, and google will reccomennd the right spelling.

Figured I'd get something back on here, so I could stop misusing my facebook, but remember things take time ... especially when you only code in Windows trusty ... notepad editor ... errr rrr rrr

P.S. geocities, is handy and free, but a lot more can be done once I get something server side on the go, and like Iv'e said before, it's been in the works ...

September 11, 2006