

Shadowwolf is the name of one of my E-fed wrestlers. Here is the information on this wreslter.

RING NAME: Shadowwolf
REAL NAME: Christoph DuPont
RECORD: 37-3
AGE: 24
HOME TOWN: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
ETRANCE THEME: "Know Your Enemy" by Rage Against the Machine
WEIGHT CLASS: Cruiserweight
STYLE: High Flyer & Submission
TRADEMARK/SET-UP MOVE: Wolf Bite(Regel Cutter)
FINISHER: Howling Moon (450 degree Backflip to a Senton Bomb)
EYE COLOR: Dark Blue
GIMMICK (Appearance): He has face paint similar to Road Warrior Hawk's, only it's white and black rather then red and black. Black pants similar to the Acolytes, but no pentagram symbols on the sides. Short, spiky black hair. Has a slight tan from living in Southern California and working at his Wrestling School in San Diego.
STABLE(S): Demoniod Phenomenon (WCRW), Warriors of Hell (WRW)
TAG TEAM(S): Shadowwolf and Apocalypse (WCRW), Dungeon of Dominance [Partnered with Nightmare] (WRW)
TITLES HELD: WRW TV Champion, October '98 to July '99. WRW Interm President, June-July '99.