The World Of Slayers

    The saga of Lina Inverse takes place on one of four worlds in the universe.  Each world rests on a staff imbedded in the Sea of Chaos, the domain of the Lord of Nightmares.  The Lord of Nightmares is chaos incarnate, and the creator of the universe.  On each world Mazoku, the race of demons, battle the Ryuzoku, the race of holy dragon gods.  Each world has a supreme god who protects it and a supreme demon who tries to destroy it.

    In Lina's world, the supreme demon Shabranigdo has been split into seven pieces sealed within members of the human race, and Cepheid the supreme god was incapacitated from the battle.  Shabranigdo's five generals maintain an impenetrable magical barrier around an area roughly about the size of Europe that seals the gods' powers.   Up until the end of Slayers Next, this area is cut off from the rest of the world.  The people who live within it have developed advanced magic at a highly accelerated rate.  Technology and culture is roughly equivalent to that of medieval Europe.  

There's no place like home