The Lord of Nightmares

Cepheid the Flare Dragon God

Volfeid the Night Dragon God




The Water Dragon King


The Fire Dragon King


The Earth Dragon King


The Sky Dragon King


A gold dragon lord

A gold dragon lord

A gold dragon lord


She is the creator of not only the dark lords, but also the gods. She created Cepheid, Volfeid, and their other two peers to protect the worlds that she created out of the sea of chaos. She is supposedly neutral in regards to their eternal struggle.


Cepheid is the god who watches over Lina's world. His opponent is Ruby Eyed Shabranigdo. He managed to split Shabranigdo into seven parts and seal them away in humans. This act took all of Cepheid's strength and since has remained dormant. 1000 years BP (before present) the piece of Shabranigdo within Lei Magnus was reborn, but Cepheid managed to defeat him with the help of the Water Dragon King. As Shabranigdo created five mazoku lords from himself, Cephied has created four dragon kings. It is their purpose to protect the world in Cepheid's absence. Their war against the monsters is currently at a standstill due to the god-sealing field maintained by Shabranigdo's lords. Also, at least one piece of Cepheid was left behind inside members of the human race. Carriers of a part of Cepheid are known as 'knights of Cepheid'. The only known knight of Cepheid is Luna Inverse, Lina's older sister.


Volfeid is a god who watches over one of the other worlds in the Slayers universe. His opponent is Dark Star.


Rugradia is the Water Dragon King. In Slayers Next, she appears as a kawaii little old lady and calls herself 'Auntie Aqua'. She assists Lina in gaining access to the Claire Bible. She also persuades Lina that using the Giga Slave spell isn't a good idea by showing her what might happen should it go wrong. But 'Auntie Aqua' is really just a piece of the water dragon king that remained after she was destroyed in battle while fighting Gaav many years ago. She is the keeper of the Claire Bible, and can exist only where it is present.


Valbazard is the Fire Dragon King. He protects the east. Firia is a priestess of him.


Langould is the Earth Dragon King. He protects the south.


Valwin is the Sky Dragon King. He protects the west.


Milgazia is a powerful gold dragon who serves the water dragon king. In Slayers Next, he helps Lina find the Claire Bible, but only under coercion. He hates and fears Xellos. He seemed to be none too fond of humans, either. He did grow to respect Lina once he understood her plight, but was still brusque with everyone else (especially Martina). He also saved Amelia's life, which is another reason why I don't like him.