Central Ohio is an area with a rich history. Within the dozen or so counties surrounding Columbus you'll find some of the densest woods in the country, plenty of industrial wreckage (although we can't compare to Cleveland), lots of abandoned houses, and about a million cool, deserted, rarely visited places. Even ghost towns--the boom-and-bust mining industry in Ohio has given it a past on a par with the Rocky Mountain states. Here I give some of these places a showing-off.

I am also interested in haunted places. I have never seen a ghost, although I am dying to (no pun intended). I've been to many creepy and even reputedly haunted places and I've never felt so much as a cold spot. If you have, write to me and tell me about it and with your permission I'll post your story here. I am definitely a skeptic, but I'm always willing to be convinced.

Like what you see? Don't like what you see? Want to share an incident or the location of a haunted or abandoned place? I'd love to get an E-MAIL.
