Tales Told by the Fireside
By the Gangrel of the british Isles and Eire
As recalled by Qualin Hess, Wilderness blood of the Cammarilla, Journeymann of Eire
A song by Carlotta, Wilderness blood of Anarch,Warden of the Berkshire Downs and led the war against the Sabbat in the South

Ausvicate hi kher bro                                In Auschwitz there is a great house
Odoj besel mro pirano                               And there my Husband is imprisoned
Besel, besel gondolinel                              He sits and sits and laments
Te pre mande pobisterel                             And thinks about me
O tu kalo cirikloro                                     Oh, you black bird!
Lidza mange mro lilro                                Carry my letter!
Lidza, lidza mara romake                           Carry it to my wife
Hoj som phandlo Ausvicate                         For I am Jailed in Auschwitz

Ausvicate bokha Bare                                In Auschwitz there is great hunger
Te so te chal amen nane                             And we have nothing to eat
Aini oda Koter maro                                  Not even a piece of bread
O blokis bibachtl                                       And the block guard is bad.

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