2007 Index

January 9th - Awakened by a Ghost. (nightmare)

January 10th - Day Trip in old Westfalia.

January 14th - The Swordmaster's Apprentice. (epic)

February 6th - New Orleans-like town.

April 3rd - The Foggy Town. (nightmare)

July 12th - Small Creek and Driving Around at Night. (nightmare)

July 13th - Climb the Mountain.

July 15th - Following the post LOTR Fellowship.

July 18th - Island Air Raid and Translucent Stones. (epic/nightmare)

July 19th - Dream in the Middle East

August 2nd - Family Gathering and Train Wreck (nightmare)

August 3rd - Department Store and Toy Train.

August 6th - Pepperoni Pizza.

August 8th - Several Stores and a Zoo. (nightmare)

August 9th - Light-weight Car and Greeting Ritual.

August 11th - Break In. (nightmare)

August 16th - Two of Three Dreams.

August 16th - The Haunted Farmhouse. (epic/nightmare)

September 23rd - Abandoned church. (nightmare)

September 27th - Therapist appointment. (nightmare)

September 29th - Struggle for the handgun.

September 30th - Underground passages and indoor gothic waterpark.

October 10th - Going to Ms. V's house and the Death of Robbie Ritchie.

November 15th - The Murderous Plot in the Mansion.

Decemeber 1st - Little London Invaded. (nightmare)

Decemeber 2nd - Car Crash and the Gothic Mansion. (nightmare with brief lucid)

Decemeber 7th - School Sleepover, Brought to you by the Number 7. (epic)

Decemeber 7th - Shari's Appartment.

Decemeber 8th - Treasure Hunting in the Lava Cave.

Decemeber 9th - Grocery Store Prison. (nightmare)

Decemeber 10th - The Beach of Smoldering Mounds, where Women are not Welcome. (nightmare)

Decemeber 14th - Giant Machines at old Public School.

Decemeber 15th - Lava and Steam.

December 16th - New Recruits.

December 17th - Need to Clean before Parents Return.

December 18th - Another Train Dream and the Self Contained Valley. (lucid)

December 19th - There's a Bug in Basement. (nightmare)

December 20th - Complete the List.

December 24th - Oh Hey, Those are My Treats.

December 31st - Two False Awakenings, One Lucid. (brief lucid)

BLUE indicates side notes and personal thoughts written after the fact
BLACK indicates a normal dream
RED indicates a lucid dream

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