This is going to be the home for anyone that wants to
post their own writing. Anyone can submit a story. As
long it isn't pornographic. I don't want to answer to
geocities about why I have a porn story on the page. Thank You.
Major Memmie sent in this excerpt from her new story
"Solid Ground"
McQueen lay in the intensive care unit of Bethesda
Naval Hospital. He was no stranger to this. In his life
time he had lost count of how many times he ended up in a
sick bay, M.A.S.H. unit, or hospital.
But this time it was different. This time he couldn't
see a way out, and he wasn't too sure he wanted a way out.
His world was in shambles, his right leg below the knee was
gone. The Bomb that Chig Ambassador set off, tore it from
him and with it his life.
He was a Marine, he told himself. He was not what
others called him. Tank. Lazy. Disloyal. Stupid. He was
better than that. He was more than that. He had to be. But
lying there, he was just a Tank. Even more so now. He was a
damaged Tank, no longer even useful as a beast of burden in
the mines of Omicron. The hell he had once crawled out of
seemed like a life time ago.
He felt a soft touch on his cheek, wiping way a tear.
"It's going to be alright, Colonel," a warm familiar voice
said. "You have to trust me. I will get you through this."
If you wish to read the rest of this kick ass story, you'll have to go to Major Memmie's page here. Major
Memmie's FanFiction Page