Welcome to Crazy Lizard Studios

Last Updated: 12 December, 2005

Things of a Newness

Studio LogoCrazy & Friends

Look, fun stuff!

The Orcs! Encyclopedia

Your guide to the Firste Worlde

The Looney Bin

"Stay awhile. Stay forever!"



Finished Art .... More glorious deliberations by the studio staff

Sketches .... Fresh ideas that have escaped from our minds

Info .... Details about the lovely people who work here

Fan Art .... Funky things by people who aren't us

Links .... Places we've visited on our travels

Contact .... Send questions & comments to us

QWAAF .... Questions Which Are Asked Frequently


Lawks! It's a Mailing List

For details of updates as and when they appear, plus extra-special Mailing List-only extras such as unseen sketches and clues to help you find the secret pages, just tap your addy into the box below and informative e-missives will land on your VirtualDoorMat at the appropriate times. Science - it's great, isn't it?

(Note: Idiots may wish to refrain from joining this list, as ingenious anti-idiot filters have been put in place to automatically blow up your house if you try to use it. Many thanks for your kind attention.)

Please enter your email address:

The Crazy Lizard Mailing List is brought to you by the letter Q, the number 87 and TV's famous Chris Zawadzki. Hurrah!




Care for a Link, guv'nor?

Want to connect your site to the non-stop party that is Crazy Lizard Studios? Look no further than the following Groovy Link Buttons which, once downloaded, can be affixed to the page of your choice with some InformationSuperSellotape.





Groovy Link Button No. 3 by Rakeesh, top creator of excellent web-things.


Matt S would just like to say: "Ah, humbugs!"

Crazy Lizard Studios & Crazy Lizard logo are © & TM Matthew J. McGowan 1999-2006

Dance, spider, dance