Final Fantasy 2
Deleted Spells
Spells that summon creatures of any kind are deleted.
The world of summoning belongs to the summoner class.
New Class
Playable Races
Human races are by ethnicity like in the
How Magic is
No class gains spells automatically. Divine spells are held in Eidolons which have been bestowed upon the world by infernals and celestials. And arcane magic resides in Magicite. For divine spellcasting, one must simply possess the Eidolon in either a hand or worn as equipment and the priest must be acceptable to the infernal/celestial within. Magicite is slightly more complex. For an arcane user to learn a spell from a shard of magicite he must perform a spellcraft check as if learning from a scroll. If he succeeds he rolls a number of d6’s equal to his level. This deals permanent damage to the esper living within the magicite. When the esper drops to 0 hp it is permanently killed and the spells are unlocked and learned by the wizard. If the esper was dead to begin with then the spells are already unlocked and may be learned with a successful spellcraft check. Note that there have been instances where a living esper was able to manifest in the world to defend itself from being killed.
Casting from an
Eidolon or Magicite
It is possible to cast an Eidolon’s/Shard’s primary spell without having any casting ability. To cast a spell from an Eidolon or shard of magicite one must merely lay a hand on the artifact and then succeed in a concentration check (DC=15+spell level). If successful the spell is cast at either the level of the caster or being within (whichever is lower). Casting like this takes a full round action to perform in addition to any other casting time involved. An Eidolon or Shard will have how many times it may be used a day in its statistics. A shard with a living esper within will not cast a spell through this method unless the caster is a summoner.
Installing shards into weapons
Certain weapons can be designed (Masterworked) to fit shards of magicite which upon impact will shatter the magicite and release its primary spell upon the target. If there is a living esper within the magicite, the shard will not shatter nor cast its spell.
Live Magicite vs Dead Magicite
Simply put, Live Magicite has an esper within. Dead Magicite or just Magicite has a
dead esper inside of it. Live magicite is
very rare and when found usually becomes dead magicite
in the hands of a wizard.
The Summoner
Description: A summoner is one who is born with the ability to communicate with Espers. These few and unique individuals would be just another commoner if it wasn’t for their power of summoning forth the spirit of an esper from a shard of Living Magicite. Through their direct contact with espers, summoners begin to develop traits much like those they summon.
Primary Ability:
Charisma, Diplomacy is important to control one’s espers.
Hit Die: D6
Summoners in Ivalice:
A summoner is seen as a threat by most established
kingdoms. They are just common people
with no noble lineage that wield tremendous power. The most paranoid of all kingdoms such as
Baron have issued extermination mandates for any summoner
found. Other kingdoms simply keep a
careful watch over summoners.
Fort |
Ref |
Will |
Abilites |
1 |
+0 |
+2 |
0 |
+2 |
Summoning |
2 |
+1 |
+3 |
0 |
+3 |
Minor Summoner Trait |
3 |
+1 |
+3 |
+1 |
+3 |
4 |
+2 |
+4 |
+1 |
+4 |
5 |
+2 |
+4 |
+1 |
+4 |
6 |
+3 |
+5 |
+2 |
+5 |
Minor Summoner Trait |
7 |
+3 |
+5 |
+2 |
+5 |
8 |
+4 |
+6 |
+2 |
+6 |
9 |
+4 |
+6 |
+3 |
+6 |
10 |
+5 |
+7 |
+3 |
+7 |
Summoner Trait |
11 |
+5 |
+7 |
+3 |
+7 |
12 |
+6/+1 |
+8 |
+4 |
+8 |
13 |
+6/+1 |
+8 |
+4 |
+8 |
14 |
+7/+2 |
+9 |
+4 |
+9 |
Summoner Trait |
15 |
+7/+2 |
+9 |
+5 |
+9 |
16 |
+8/+3 |
+10 |
+5 |
+10 |
17 |
+8+3 |
+10 |
+5 |
+10 |
18 |
+9/+4 |
+11 |
+6 |
+11 |
Major Summoner Trait |
19 |
+9/+4 |
+11 |
+6 |
+11 |
20 |
+10/+5 |
+12 |
+6 |
+12 |
Esper Secret |
Skills: 6 Skill
points per level (with the x4 thing for 1st)
Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script,
Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal
Summoning: Summoning is a full round action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity but no damage can disrupt the summoning. Once summoned the creature appears at a point 30 ft within the caster. If there is not enough space for the summoned creature, it will not be summoned.
Summoned Creatures Limit: You may not summon more HD of Espers than you possess.
Orders: Espers share a
telepathic bond with their summoner
Esper Bond: A summoner shares a strong bond with a loyal esper. Any status effects on a summoned esper transfer to the summoner. This is one way and any status effects placed on the summoner do not affect the esper.
Willpower Saving Throws: A loyal esper gains
the summoner’s ability score
bonuses in all respective saving throws.
Loyalty: Upon summoning a creature you must succeed in maintaining its loyalty. The summoner makes a diplomacy/intimidate/bluff (certain espers may be more resistant to certain types) and must beat the Esper’s Loyalty Score. If successful the Summoner has complete control over the esper. This check is a free action and must be done at the start of the Summoner’s turn or else lose control of the esper who will begin to act on its own behavior. An esper that has lost loyalty can not be dismissed and loses its bond with the summoner. Attempting to reestablish loyalty is a standard action.
Dismissing: Dismissing the summoned creature is a free action. The summoned creature is healed of all status ailments but not HP and is returned to the magicite.
Esper Healing: An Esper recovers
all its spells and a full HD with con bonus of hp per day spent in magicite. An Esper that was brought to 0 hp and forced into magicite can not be summoned until at full hp.
Summoner Traits: A summoner begins to develop traits of Espers due to the constant connection with the Espers.
Minor Summoner Traits:
Hair Color: The summoner’s hair shifts to an unnatural color. +2 Bonus to Loyalty Checks. -2 Penalty to Diplomacy checks with Non-Espers
Eye Color: The summoner’s eyes shift to an unnatural color. +2 Bonus to Loyalty Checks. -2 Penalty to Bluff Checks with Non-Espers.
Voice Change: The summoner’s voice shares some qualities with Espers and sounds more ethereal. +4 Bonus to Loyalty. -4 penalty to Diplomacy and Bluff checks with Non-Espers.
Esper’s Aura: The Summoner takes on a soft glow that reflects his/her alignment. Good = Blue, Neutral = Green, Evil = Red. +2 Bonus to Loyalty Checks.
Claws: The Summoner’s hands become warped as they become claws capable of tearing flesh and armor. The summoner’s claws are considered natural weapons and deal 1d6/1d6 damage for a medium sized summoned and 1d4/1d4 for a small sized summoner. -4 to skill checks when dealing with non espers.
Fangs: The summoner’s teeth become fangs capable of doing severe
damage. The summoner
gains a bite attack (not considered a natural weapon for purpose of AoO) that deals 1d8 piercing damage for a medium sized
creature and 1d6 damage for a small sized creature. If the summoner has
improved trip then the summoner may make an immediate
trip attempt. -2 to skill checks when
dealing with non espers.
Summoner Traits:
Toughened Hide: The skin becomes leathery and more beastlike. +4 Natural AC.
(Energy) Aligned: The summoner becomes attuned to a certain energy gaining a Resistance 10/Element .
Quickened Reflexes: The summoner gains improved evasion
Esper-Mind: The summoner gains a +4 bonus to willpower saves and is immune to sleep, and charm effects.
Breathe Weapon: The summoner gains a breathe weapon spewing forth a line 10ft/level of force dealing 1d6 + 1d6/level above 10th (Reflex save for 1/2 DC = 10 + Summoner’s Base Attack) Once used this weapon may be used again after 1d4+1 rounds.
Spell Resistance:
The summoner gains a spell resistance. SR = Summoner’s
Major Summoner Trait:
Magic Body: The summoner gains DR 10/Magic.
Regal Summoner: The Summoner requires this trait to be able to command the most noblest of Espers. Without this trait, a summoner automatically fails the loyalty check for any Esper with the Noble behavior trait.
Soulbound: The Summoner may direct all damage dealt unto himself onto his summoned Esper up to an amount that would bring the Esper to 0 hp.
Esper Slayer:
The summoner may sacrifice his esper and deal an amount of damage equal to his esper’s hp to another esper via a
ranged touch attack with a 1000 ft range.
This act however will transform the living magicite
into dead magicite thus actually killing the esper sacrificed. An
esper damaged in this way loses the ability to heal
for a number of days equal to the damage dealt.
The esper if killed in this manner may never
return, and is also dead magicite. This may only be done 1/day
Esper Hero:
The summoner may sacrifice himself to
fully recover an esper’s hp. This trait will also cause the summoner to automatically succeed at any loyalty check made
(excluding Noble espers). If this act is performed upon a noble esper that esper becomes loyal
for 1d4+1 rounds. This act may only be
performed 1/day.
Esper Secret: The summoner
discovers a secret long forgotten and may utilize it.
Equipment: The summoner begins the game with a single shard of live magicite, typically an esper that has been with the summoner since early childhood and who has taught the summoner how to summon. This Esper is typically always a small beast with a mix of fighting and magical abilities.
Money: 3d4x10
Final Fantasy 2
Campaign Setting
The old and ancient lands of Ivalice are the collection of kingdoms: Toroia, Baron, Damcyan, Fabul, Silvera, Mysidia, and Eblan. These kingdoms once coexisted peacefully as the Empire of Ivalice but now with the death of King Eddard Baron, chaos has consumed the Empire. Terrifying monsters have appeared mysteriously throughout the world, ravaging the countryside and killing those caught off guard. Entire towns have become deserted because of these monsters. Each kingdom quickly forgot all their alliances as they became only concerned with their own welfare. The great nobles and sages found blame in the rampant use of magicite reasoning that the monsters must be related to the magical beasts known as espers. In response Baron with its formidable military has begun to seize magicite and laying waste to those that resist. The fate of Ivalice is grim…
Population: 250,000
Racial Modifier: +2 Strength, - 2 Wisdom
Skill Bonus: Automatic martial weapon proficiency - Any
The people of Baron were born of noble warriors and have carried on the tradition. Knighthood is an important part of high Barony culture. Baron maintains the strongest military in the world and is the sole keeper of Airships. All citizens of Baron are required to serve in the local militia for at least one year before becoming a free citizen. The kingdom’s people are highly patriotic and believe in their king’s decisions.
Towns under Barony Sovereignty: Corneria,
Mist, South Baron,
Population: 80,000
Racial Modifier: Toroians are elves
Skill Bonus: +2 Knowledge:Religion and +2 Racial Bonus to craft or +2 Racial Bonus to Perform
The water dancers of Toroia are lovers of art and beauty specifically in their crafts. They are people of grace and it shows in their fighting styles. Females dominate all parts of Toroian way of life. Males are a subservient caste who serves as the working class. Toroians believe strongly in the teachings of Bahamut and craft all things in his name and under his likeness.
Towns under Toroia Sovereignty: Lorkia, Minsaya
Population: 175,000
Racial Modifier: +2 Charisma, -2 Strength
Skill bonus: +2 Racial Bonus to diplomacy, bluff, and sense motive.
Much like the Toroians the people
of the
Towns under Damcyan Sovereignty: Kaipo
Population: 85,000
Racial Modifier: +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence
Skill Bonus: Gains Iron Will Feat and Improved Unarmed Attack
The mountain
Towns: Fabul’s countryside consists of scattered villages and no major towns.
Population: 25,000
Skill Bonus: +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, Knows 2 level 0 spells which may be cast 1/day.
Mysidians are a people of tradition and tend to be xenophobic of the other kingdoms. They do not want bother nor be bothered by anyone outside their lands. Mysidians are known for having a strong magical bloodline.
Towns: Mysidia
does no possess any major towns outside of Mysidia
Eblan is a dead kingdom. When the empire broke, Eblan and Baron clashed in a fierce war from which Baron arose the victor. All citizens of Eblan and its royal family were put to the sword. Now all that remains are just scattered survivors living amongst the ruins of their homes.
Population: 10,000
Racial modifier: The people of Sylvera
are all Sylverans
The small island