




Experience points: 5





Aidan Doyle


Scarlett Pomers


“Charmed  One” in the Corona Magicus


Willow, 7 ½ inches with a single unicorns tail hair core




Main Trait




Studious: loves to learn and is an extremely quick study


Side Trait




Extremely adept at charms is already reading about and using intermediate and advanced charms even though she is in her third year (- lowest die)


Side Trait




Quick thinker: thinks fast on her feet when faced with problems or issues

(+1d6 bonus to Quidditch)







Aidan suffers from general anxiety disorder and while this has gotten better in her time at Hogwarts she still suffers from feeling guilty when people close to her are hurt


Aidan has also developed a violent streak particularly when people she cares about are threatened and she tends to react to slights with out thinking then afterwards to have to deal with her feelings for reacting



Learned Skills




                                                                         Charm Magic



Basic Magic



Intermediate Magic



Curse Breaking






Vocal Magic





Aidan is the daughter of pure blood wizards who died in a car crash when she was still an infant. The Muggle authorities not being able to find any relatives for the infant sent her to St Francis Orphanage in London, England where she grew up. Aidan had no knowledge of magic or wizards or Hogwarts other then in the books she read at the library where she spent all of her free time her life in the orphanage was one of misery for the intelligent girl teased by her fellow students and for the most part ignored by the nuns who ran the school who saw her as “unadoptable” her life would have continues this way if not for her receiving a letter brought to her by a tawny owl a letter which told her she was a witch and had been accepted for schooling at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

---------Year One----------

In her first year at Hogwarts Aidan learned more about her witchness she learned magic and found to her delight that she was a natural at charms soon surpassing her fellow students and studying ahead in the advanced charms books with the charms Professor Flitwicks permission she also made friends with her fellow students most notably with Alexander Nicolai and his young protégée Irek Tremaine, as well as with Cornelius Crowe a Slytherin who she found she shared a love of charm magic with.

Her friendship with the three paved the way for Aidan to come more and more out of her shell and even to develop a blossoming crush on Irek and to come to consider both Alexander and Cornelius as substitute big brothers

At the start of the summer session Aidan, who remained in Hogsmeade for the summer, meet William Gryffindor the new charms professor at the school and through her friendship with him was adopted as his daughter and has now gained the family she has always dreamed about

--------Year Two---------

Aidan’s second year was marked as a year of changes for the blossoming young witch her relationship with Irek continued to deepen and led her to many nights of sneaking out past curfew to join him in the astronomy tower 

She continued her affiliation with the Corona Magicus and suffered her first pangs of jealousy when during a trip to Greece she found Irek with another girl a older Ravenclaw named Kaelin  much to her surprise and later shame Aidan fueled by jealously punched the older girl in her nose later ashamed of herself she apologized and began a tentative friendship with the older girl who joined the Corona as Nightingale

Aidan also began to explore a new side to her self as she began to train herself in quidditch hoping to follow in the footsteps of her parents who both played for Ravenclaw’s Championship house team when they attended Hogwarts given a Firebolt by her father she and Irek spent some of there free time on the quidditch pitch practicing for a chance to join there house team in the next quidditch season

During one such session Aidan attempted a dangerous beaters move, the sloth grip and roll, and would have fallen and possibly hurt her self seriously if not for Irek’s quick response which unfortunately cost him his broomstick feeling responsible and knowing that Irek wished to train as a seeker she gave Irek her broomstick a Firebolt to make up for the loss of his broomstick

In the last ravenclaw match of the season both Irek and Aidan had a chance to prove themselves Irek as a temporary seeker and Aidan filling in as a chaser both performed well despite Ravenclaw’s  loss in the match and Aidan has hopes to become a quidditch player  for Ravenclaw when the new quidditch year starts up. 

-------Summer of Year Two-------

Using a difficult , and forbidden,  memory charm on herself Aidan remembered details of her childhood with her parents before they died she sought out the old muggle woman who had been her babysitter on the night her parents died and learned about her parents from her she also acquired items that belonged to her parents that had been kept for her by the old woman including a photo album and a journal and guitar that belonged to her mother…..despite her success at the memory charm she knows that there will possibly be ramifications for her using it though she does not know what those might be

Aidan also attended quidditch camp with the hope that the training would enable her to make the Ravenclaw house team in the fall term as she hoped to be the new team beater as a way to protect Irek if he became the team seeker

She also began to develop an interest in music due for the most part to finding her mothers guitar and has begun to teach herself to play and has become quite good at it and has also realized that she has a good musical voice something that her reawakened memories tell her she inherited from her mother as well