Now with snazzy new pictures!

Random characters from a Pokemon thing I was messing with --

Seiluna An anthro-Absol if ya ever played Pokemon Advance
Matangu Randomism of a crazed Breloom
Matangu Looking slightly irked now
Salamandis! All grown up and learning to play with fire ^^
Young Salamandis As a fire chicken! (Torchic)

Whee~ Newish stuff!

A sad Mazenki.. Dreaming..
Erek For he makes a good kitty
Fluffy Kitterwing Just a random sketch I'm messing with in Paintshop now ^_^;
More Xaos~! The resident Pisces Chaos Bringer
Mazenki kat! With some outfit designs..
Tristessa Love-Byrne Dreamer child of Alania Love and Jaired Byrne
Maazou In a Gatomon costume!
Xaos Fishie In the swirling vortex of lost souls

Whee for more stuff n such! -- (dategoeshere)

Colored Maz pic

Kaizuu Kitter Pics -

Kaizuu, Minion of the Blue Void
Seems really happy.. Feyr.
Void Minion Profiled..

Yay for new stuff! --(8/02 - 9/02)

Miikira! Disciple of the RLS..
Illu says.. You're doomed :3
Mazenki and Meilseoir Still just a fluffy sketch
Mazenki! Quick sketch of a kitty-kat Maz
Kitter Kat! Just a random kitty
Meilseoir! It just doesn't get much cuter than this ^_^
Alania Love! Fantabulous Queen of Love Kingdom and best friendish person!
Yugo Toigh! Looks so innocent ^^
Mishy-chan! Sellin' souls!
Tasa! Spiffy electrik kitty girl!
Random Evul Kittie Dunno who it is yet, but it's cool ^_^

Look! It's stuff. --(3/23/02)

Daimu Feral demonkittygirl..
Johtull The Paranoid Dragon..
Maazou Dimensional Traveller/Space Elemental (shading got kinda blurry ^_^;;)
Isuzu-Ohki the Lop Eared Cabbit! Doing card tricks?
Zero Signal Anthro Dragon/Poster child for Angst..

Older Stuff - (11/01)

Fweedle!-- A chaos fish mask!
Transona Beast-- Of the world that sings..
Old skool Tropicallo-- (only the Boreal Face and the Boreal Hound could compare..)
Erek Wavelength-- on a hoverboard!
Erek again,-- with a sword
Emerio-- looking serious (or about as serious as one can look with a doofy hat)
Reisha Feyrenn-- Mazoku of Chaotic Blue-sama!
Shade! A chibi version of myself I drew while scanning all these ^_^;;

More Previous stuffies --

Chaos Fishie!
Ned the Psychotic Rabbit
A chibi Chee
Erek--Spacekat for hire!
Aquaine--Aquamarine Jumi Knight
A Cabbit-- made in my crappy Paint Program!
A creature with a sock puppet?!

-- All these pictures were done by me (Shade-Ohki) on whatever day(s) I did them.. If you feel the need to steal any of my pictures and not give me credit, I'll bite you *grrs*

-- Go back!