My Humble Opinion!
Well here we are not far from entering the next thousand years of existance
(by the way the new Millennium Officially starts on the 1/1/2001,we did'nt start with the year 0000)and here in Australia the voting system is still Pencil, paper and would you believe cardboard polling boxes!. Unfortunately this is not uncommon, society as a whole is still thinking in a village type mindset which is changing but far to slowly. We as the human race must start thinking globally and stop letting pinhead politicians do our thinking for us. I honestly believe that if governments were to supply their respective public with the computers that are now available, governments would collapse and the choices that we let these small thinking people make now could truly be made by the people for the people and of the people. Think about it, if everybody had access to a computer, voting could be done daily on whatever issue  you could name governments would then merely become administrators instead of the overpaid underworked overbearing A**holes that they have become. In other ways technology could also help, the justice system in most countries is a joke I can of course only speak of the Australian system but this is basically how it works, Judges are old Lawyers that are part of the oldboys club ie:rich fat bastards! that dish out justice depending on how their life is at the time. In other words if they did'nt get any from the missus the night before and you have been bought before this this particular judge for whatever crime you can look forward to a hefty sentence or if you Lawyer is good ie: EXPENSIVE! you may not get sentenced at all! But try this on for size if judges were replaced by computers criminals would be judged to the letter of the law and sentenced appropriatly then a jury could look at the case from a human point of view and adjust the sentence according to their opinion, alas this would only happen in a perfect world as unfortunately we have given control to the very people these suggestions would put out of a job and there is no way in the world that anyone of these politicians or judges is going to put themselves out of their high paying jobs for the benifit of the greater good....simply because they are all in some form or another corrupted by their situation.
Well thats my humble opinion this month I hope it inspires those who are interested...And No I am not a communist or socialist or anything else I am merely a computer tech who is looking at the big picture and thinking outside the circle Until next time......Qwerk.