Monday, September
20, 1999
"The War has ended. Humanity is lost."
[ooc - Now that the second Race War has come to an end, I find myself... quite bored. I have decided, along with my partners in crime, Pars & Sadar, to move on to a new game (Asheron's Call, anyone?). Apparently we were all accepted into the 2nd beta, but were too busy with EQ to even notice, LOL. I doubt I'll maintain my EQ account in the hopes of a third Race War, but who knows. Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now. To all my friends ( and enemies), what can I say, it was fun as hell while it lasted.]
Sunday, September
12, 1999
"The first morgue became too congested -- a new morgue has been constructed."
[ooc - Yep, we're back by popular demand! Enjoy the new pics.]
Saturday, September
4, 1999
"I have updated my morgue log."
Wednesday, September
1, 1999
"This Unholy Crusade grows longer and more
weary by the hour.. by the minute. I fight to continue on, but I am
betrayed -- betrayed by my own weak limbs, my tired eyes... my dwindling
Faith. Am I truly the Chosen One, blessed by Innoruuk himself to rid the
lands of his enemies? My army is constantly outnumbered and outclassed by the
dwarven warriors and gnomish mages that plague our continent -- and we have been
forced several times to flee in Disgrace. It would seem that the Humans,
Erudites, and the even once-mighty Barbarians have been pacified by this
overwhelming invasion. But we cannot give up now. Someone must
continue to fight on in this unholiest of wars. Until my Lord and Father,
Innoruuk, instructs me otherwise, I shall continue to fertilize the lands of
Norrath with the blood of my enemies."
[ooc - If you do not wish
to participate in this epic Race War, there are several options available to
you. There are plenty of other servers in which you are guaranteed to
NEVER deal with the PvP aspects of the Race War. Even if you persist on
maintaining your character on Test, the RW code is near the end of its testing
cycle. You can simply avoid logging in and wait until it is removed.
The main problem right now is that people have become so accustomed to levelling
quietly, collecting items, and earning money in a nearly risk and danger free
environment. Almost single-handedly, I've been able to throw that whole
boring routine right out the window, and have caused some real, genuine
excitement on the server. Lynch mobs, bounty hunters... there are several
people who are taking advantage of the situation and benefitting from it
immensely! Both equipment/money wise, and role-play wise. I have
enjoyed (albeit rare) conversations with other players who manage to keep their
messages in context with the game and the war. I could never sufficiently
describe the rush one gets when a half dozen players, all 5-8 levels higher in
experience, dedicate a good portion of their time to hunt you down.
Sometimes they are successful (Uuna, Yurpus), and sometimes they are not.
Ask yourself this question -- if you had to face an angry mob 5-8 levels above
you, would YOU stay and fight?
And well, for those people who like to continously spam/threaten/whine to me in
an ooc context, that's what /ignore is for. Some people simply cannot face
and deal with adversity -- that is their loss, not mine. Once again, if
you do not wish to participate in the war, DON'T LOGIN. Just wait a few
more days, and the second Race War will soon come to an end.]
Sunday, August 29,
"The life of
the Shadow Knight is not an easy one. Everyday, I kneel in prayer to my dark
lord, Innoruuk, for inspiration and instruction. After the humiliation of the
Human race after the last race war, I vowed never to let the same happen again.
Vengeance would be mine. With the outbreak of yet another epic Race War, I would
act the role of the missionary, spreading the word of Innoruuk all across the
lands of Norrath. Fear, Hate, Death, Decay... Revenge. These are the corner
stones of my religion. After many weeks of campaigning in this most unholy of
crusades, I grow weary and tired -- but I must continue on. The inferior races
of Norrath will be -- MUST be -- made to suffer."
Death Knight.