My Thoughts on The Banning of Home and Theories of the Well-Manicured Man's "Death"

Ok, I would like to first start by speaking of Halloween night's X-Files episode. it hasn't aired yet, but it's Home. The episode that was banned from network television because it was "so gory." It had the imbreds that buried a baby alive in a baseball field. I would first like to say that, no matter how messed up you are, if you would try to conceal something as horrendous as that couldn't you atleast try to keep it on your own property?! I mean, it's obvious that the Peacock's did it! But they had to put it in the kids' baseball diamond as opposed to the family barn under the goat (oh wait, maybe that's one of their brothers!!!). Sorry, I couldn't resist that one. Getting back on track....

I live in Home, PA. Actually, it's more like close to Home (No one better show up at my door or send me bombs or anything) and I would like to say that although I was ecstatic that they used my town's name in an episode (in the title nonetheless!), it bothered me at their extortion of the name. "This is our home!" "We can't leave our home. It's been our home for many years!" "I don't want to see my home change." Okay, these are not direct quotes. They are just things that I can remember from the episode and I will have the real quotes for you hopefully sometime this millennium. Ooo maybe that's pushing it! Well, I'll either have them up before the NEXT millennium, or else I won't. Gee, way to be precise, Victoria!

More ramblings.....

Would anyone like to hear my finely tuned theory of why I believe the Well Mancured Man is still alive? I thought so. Okay, let's go back in our minds to Fight the Future when Mulder and WMM are having their nice little chat in the car. Ok, then WMM gets out his little gun and is explaining that he's got to kill Mulder and then shoots the driver of the car. Then he gives Mulder the vaccine and coordinates and they get out of the car. They start to go their separate ways. WMM gets BACK IN THE BACKSEAT OF THE CAR!!!! What is the point in this?! The driver is dead! Exactly what does WMM think he's going to accomplish by sitting in the back of the car other than to make Mulder and the Syndicate think he's dead!!!! See? Now wasn't that worth it?

Victoria's Twisted Psyche

The X-Files & Millennium Banner Exchange
The X-Files & Millennium Banner Exchange

"I'm not going to rearrange furniture on the deck of the Titanic."
-Rogers Morton-