Internet Links

Here are some of the many topics I find interesting.  I'll try to keep the page updated as frequently as possible, since I know that web links die and such.  If you don't see a link, just click on the pic.

News and Business Information Links
(At least the page will look like it's remotely related to working . . .)

Self Help, Philosophy
(Stuff to ponder . . .)
So what exactly happens when you die? --Not to be morbid or anything, but with the big millenial hootinany about to come and go, I predict that more people will be introspecting and looking to find peace before the (shudder) inevitable.  It's a very well done page, with lots of interesting and uplifting stories and summarized bits from the Bible and the Tibetan Book of the Dead.  Helps me sleep at night.

The Zone Diet --The officialweb site for Dr. Barry Sears remarkable Zone Diet.  If you suffer from mood disorders, diabetes, aging or just want to lose weight (like me), you really should check this out.  I read Sears' first two books, Enter the Zone, and Mastering the Zone, and as a testimonial, I shed 35 lbs in two months!  The brilliant thing is that the diet came about as a result of hormonal studies with regard to diabetes.  Sears discovered that . . . well, just go look.  It's great even if you just want to improve your mental functioning.

Self-assessment Personality Tests --A collection of tests that'll will tell you, once and for all, just how healthy (or screwed up) you really are.

Biorhythms --Check your mental, emotional and physical functioning based entirely on your date of birth.  Sounds reasonable to me.

Dr. Koop Dot Com --From abdomen to zygote, ol' Doc Koop's got the answer.  Excellent resource for you hypochodriacs too lazy to go to the library . . .

Greasy Kid Stuff
(Games and stuff to keep you young and sharp)
Wizards of the Coast makes a number of great games, such as Magic; The Gathering, Battletech and that savagely cute Poke`mon game you see little kids fistfiighting over.  In September of 1999, they were acquired by Hasbro Inc., the largest game company in the world, so watch for more online play than you ever though possible.

Actually, Warhammer 40,000 is just one of the great games manufactured by Games Workshop.  They mainly produce tabletop war games, but they also have a smattering of less complicated games.  Half the fun of WH40K is painting the miniatures.  If I can swing it, I'll try to include some pix of my armies in the future.

A great site devoted to a great game, Aliens versus Predator.  If you're a fan of any of the movies or just like a challenging first person shooter, check it out.  Very scary.  I need a faster cpu and more ammo . . .

Buell Motorcycles.  American made sportbikes--Euro-styling with a Harley heart.  My pulse races just thinking about them.  A good bike for those of us 'eccentrics' who enjoy both speed and geek.

Movie Links
(I love watching, reading about and making fun of them.  Join us, won't we?)
Mystery Science Theater 3000 . . . the greatest tribute to American popular culture.  Cancelled again, but NEVER forgotten.  America has now contributed the mystery, the situation comedy, and now the MSTing to media.  Look well upon it, for yea, it is good.
Roger, that is.  A link to his online reviews in the Chi-SunTimes.

Harry's Ain't-it-Cool-News.  Lots of inside stuff about movies, from scripts to early reviews of unreleased movies.  Obviously the work of devoted fans.  Harry is the real deal--he got to co-host with Ebert after Siskel went the way of Mickey Rourke's career . . .
Rotten Tomatoes Dot Com.  A great site, much like AICN, but provides links to nearly every review available for recent, current and future movies.  Also provides a nice 'box score' that summarizes all the reviews pluses and minuses.
What are you waiting for? Go see a movie!

(You know, this and that . . .)
The local paper in my hometown.  Good if you're interested in visiting, or need reminding why you should stay away.  Check out the 'polarcam' when it's working.
This doesn't really require explanation . . .

Who doesn't want to know what the weather's like? (Fairbanks' zip code is 99701 . . .)

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