Here are some riddles to keep you busy. Don't cheat and look at the answers without at least
guessing. Well okay I cant stop you , but you will know in your heart
that you are a big fat peter eater..ummm.. I mean cheater. Hey that
reminds me have you heard about the guy named Peter who went to a
theater and bought a liter of soda and fell over the parking meter?
No? Me either. Just click on the idea lightbulb at the bottom of the page and all will be revealed to you.
Hey also if you have any riddles you would like me to add to this page
send them and I will put them on here as fast as you can say "Bubba bought
Bertha big bubbly bubblegum before baking burnt bread. Okay maybe not that
fast , but I look at my mail everyday so it will not be too long.
Gloves Gloves Gloves
Cathy has six pairs of black gloves and six pairs of brown gloves
in her drawer. In complete darkness, how many gloves must she take
from the drawer in order to be sure to get a pair? Think carefully!!
Row Row Row your kids
Mom, Dad, and 2 kids have come to a river, and they find a boat.
It is small and can only carry one adult or 2 kids at a time. Both
kids are good rowers, but how can the whole family reach the other
side of the river?
Butts, cigar butts that is
Because cigars cannot be entirely smoked, a hobo who collects
cigar butts can make a cigar to smoke out of every 5 butts that he
finds. Today, he has collected 25 cigar butts. How many cigars will
he be able to smoke?
Jenn has problems
Jenn is facetious. She is also abstemious. She gets pneumonia.
Given those clues, what is the only American tree she will like?
Just who the hell are you again?
Someone at a party introduces you to your mother's only sister's
husband's sister in law. He has no brothers. What do you call this
Frequent flyers
Two planes take off at the same exact moment. They are flying
across the Atlantic. One leaves New York and is flying to Paris at
500 miles per hour. The other leaves Paris and is flying to New York
at only 450 miles per hour ( because of a strong head wind ). Which
one will be closer to Paris when they meet?
Run Tim Run
A carpenter was in a terrible hurry. He had to work as quickly
as possible to cut a very heavy 10 foot plank into 10 equal sections.
If it takes 1 minute per cut, how long will it take him to get the 10
equal pieces?
Silver Dollars
Why are 1898 silver dollars worth more than 1897 silver dollars?
Such a waste of good letters
What English word can have 4 of it's 5 letters removed and still
retain it's original pronunciation?
Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named
April. The second child was named May. What was the third child's
Dont catch cold
If, having only one match, on a freezing winters day, you entered
a room which contained a lamp, a kerosene heater, and a wood burning
stove, which should you light first.