Revenge on a bad day "It has been a bad day from the start." I say to myself as I watch the tow truck pull away from the curb, pulling my car away to the shop yet again. This morning started as all the others had at seven o' clock I had got up and got ready for work, But thats where it went wrong. First off the car wouldn't start. opening the hood i realize the alternator belt was missing. It must have came off sometime last night on the way home. By some act pure luck i made it to the office with minutes to spare, I had my paperwork done by noon so i decided to reward myself for my speed by using my lunch hour to slip onto the net to let my online alter ego stretch their legs only to have my computer slip into blue screen. Feeling more irritated at the world than ever i ride the bus home to find my keys locked in my non functional car. After waiting another hour on my doorstep the tow truck finally shows up and withing minutes i have my keys and i now stand on the walkway watching my car disapear into traffic, With a sigh i turn and walk to my door and step in to only hear the familure clicking of my computers keyboard in the living room. I inch my way along the wall, briefcase ready in hand to strike if needed as i turn into the room only to be shocked senceless by what i find. Sitting at my desk apprears to be somehting i know can't be, A ferret roughly my height, it's silver fur glowing under the light on my desk. Dropping my breifcase