Military Incorporation of Techno-wizardry Systems

     Techno-wizardry provides a low cost solution to many problems that face the Armed Forces of Kingsdale. Through these reliant systems an entire army, with a relatively small group of Techno-wizards properly trained, can be outfitted rapidly with devices that will increase the might of that force incredibly. The following modifications contain reliant, efficient, and cost effective modifications to common, everyday equipment already possessed by the military. Due to the reuse of existing components and only a few new components needed for each modification, these can be produced rapidly and very cheaply. Techno-wizardry, quite simply, is the solution to many, if not all, Military needs.

Helmet Modifications
     Internal Storage Devices

Body Armor Modifications
     Internal Storage Devices

Power Armor Modifications
     Internal Storage Devices

Robot & Vehicle Modifications
     Internal Storage Devices