Ghostly Wanderings

A poem from a Medium's perspective. Also links
to other poetry.
Ghostly Wanderings E-mail Address
If I can't help, I will find someone who can.

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to share any experience you have had or might be having.

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Hello and welcome to my page of Esoteric Knowledge. I have gathered a mixed medium of Ghostly wanderings, tales (personal and told to me) and bits and pieces about such things as Psychics, Ouija's, chakras, candles, etc.

I hope you enjoy the wandering of this page and find something you didn't know before. In all things do remember though, that we were given freewill and should keep it in the forefront of our minds when dealing with the unexplained ways of the spirit and it's realm.

Prayer Song
W. Renee'

Keema ya ke-ko u-ya so-an-ge-ta-ha.
Ya tan-da Nagi Tanka can-te-su-ta .
Maka, skan, wi, mi -dok-o-we.
Ya a-ki hanbelachia waci'pi tate'.
Nagi Tanka, wi-ca-ka ta-yi-to i-yo-ki wa-cin-ton wi-co-can-te-waste.
Wa-can-ki-ya waka'n tanka ya-ka-ni shle-ta hey-ah-eh-he ci.

In the face of the wind I try to become strong of heart.
I love\ honor\ respect the Great Spirit and am firm of heart.
Earth, sky, sun, are my realitives.
I stand on vison hill , a dancer in the wind.
Great Spirit, faithful councelor, encourage me to have understanding and gladness of heart.
Loving God I sing a prayer song.

May Nagi Tanka (the Great Spirit) guide you in all things.

Feel free to copy either of these images and paste on your page. You see I really DO Believe!

Ghosts and Other Things of the Esoteric Plane

To Seek, To Find, To Know...hence is the way of the Spirit.
Enter here ye seekers of Light.

Wandering Pathways : To My Link Sites

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