Hi. I'm Gray Noton.
     I have played Battletech off and on for the last ten years. I usually play Federated Suns, Federated Commonwealth, or a merc unit on the Davion-Kurita border. I do prefer battles set around 3020, more because that it is the ending of the downward slide than the lack of technology. I have also found that there is more tactical thought needed to play with the older designs than the current 3060 models. With this in mind many of the designs I present here will be 3025 tech, with the upgraded technology being added at a later date.
This page shall have some of my custom battlemech designs.
Killer Bee KLB-3D The original 3025 model.
Killer Bee KLB-6D The updated 3050 version.
Shadow Hawk SHD-2J A 3025 tech variant that replaces
the AC5 with a Large Laser and full jump capacity.

I shall also have tactics articles listed.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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