torry's web site

<BGSOUND SRC="thunderstruck.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Welcome to my webpage evryone. I do not have any idea how on earth you stumbled upon this page but whats done is done feel free to roam around and find out some interesting facts about me, my area, my friends and so.IN GENERAL WE LIKE TO HANG OUT GO TO PARTIES GET DRUNK ( I QUIT THIS DIRTY HABIT ALMOST 6 MONTHS AGO SINCE THEN I HAVENT HAD A DROP OF ALCOHOL THAT HAS BEEN POURED INTO MY MOUTH USING MY HANDS LOL)most of us have out driving permits so we have an occasional testostorone attack and do a it over the speed limit but besides taht we are legitimate drivers. well all but one of us who practicly paid for his licence ( he didnt but its as though he did > I mean who passes a driving test when they run a stop sign and speed)well anyways hope you enjoy the site and you learn something new.although if you learn anything from this site you should realy have yourself check out at the nearest shrink.

This is a photo of me and at the time my best friend but now my girl was taken at the central station on the 23/09/1999 when she was moveing to queensland but now she is back and i am over the moon :)).It has been over 5 months for us 2 and we are still going strong.some people tell me we are way to close but i dont care what they think as long as us two are happy.To me, that is all that counts.


This part of me site i have put on to get you familiar with my group and to show you with what bunch of wierdos i have to put up with every day of my life LOL just kidding guys yous are the best.This is a Pic of my friend Luke and me at my gf fairwell party.As you may see i am fairly high on vodka and luke wasnt far off.he is always a happy chap although can get very cranky.


This part of my website i have put on her purely because i love cars.I own a Nissan skyline and i love the car.on here you will be able to see cars that my friends have owned or still range from old HQ to an XC and ED being one of the newest ones out of the whole lot.Also there is some pics of hotrods,dragcars and a lot of motor sprot including my favourite Formula 1


this part of my page has been dedicated to my all time favourite band ac/dc and it also contains links to pages of other great bands such as led zep and pink floyd.this part contains discography,some lyrics because i will not be typing out lyrics for over 150 songs LOL images and ill try uploading some sound files and video files hopefully i will be able to find an ftp server to upload them on.

Well as my Web page draws to a conclusion i would like to thank you for visiting my site and thank you for adding another tick on my clicker and if it isnt too much hassel for you please sign my guest book so i know who you are and please do criticise my page so in future i know what to add and what to subtract from it.ill leave you with some cool links to my friends pages be free to check any of them out and find out what bunch of wierdoes we actually are LOL


here is a link to my girlfriends page

Somegals page!

And here are links to my friends pages

Beavers page

QTIPS page

#8 page

I will constantly keep adding more URL's as the pages are being made, So do drop by and visit some of the sites made by my friends