Demons in the holy void?!

Mystery Science Theater 3000's main characters are demon robots. They may look cute, but instead they are the devils pawns!

The gold robot represents greed and evil, as you can tell by it's horns and color. The red robot represents gluttony and hate, which you can tell by it's color and gum ball machine head. The human with them no matter which one is the Anti-Christ who is working with these demons to corrupt people's minds!

There's More!

These robots represent voyeurism and homosexuality. The purple robot is a symbol of gays and the camera robot is filming the whole demon-fest.

A evil show with "Bad Guys"? I don't think so. These two are the "Mads" who represent smut peddlers, giving the Anti-Christ and his minions their blasphemous film for the week.

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This Is A Parody! MST3k Is Most Certainly Not Evil And Anybody Who Thinks It Is Should Hit Themselves In The Head With A Kitchen Spatula!