Mystery Science Theater 3000 is EVIL!

And Here's Why!
There is a show on television called Mystery Science Theater 3000, with a loyal cult following of over
100,000 lost souls. This show is filled with evil satanic references. Here's a short list:
- The main characters travel in space! We all know that only God can be in the holy void!
- They watch Science Fiction movies, with buxom women and evil messages!
- They "riff" these movies, with snide comments and foul language. Free Speech is a mark of the devil!
- They encounter aliens although humans are God's only children!
- A major character is an "evolved' talking ape. God only made humans able to talk!
- There are 6 doors, plus the set is made of 6 sided hexagons, and there are six host segments. 666!
And many more blasphemies too. Read on and be saved!
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This Is A Parody! MST3k Is Most Certainly Not Evil And Anybody Who Thinks It Is Should Hit Themselves
In The Head With A Kitchen Spatula!