
My name is Christina and I live in a little hick town in Northern California.  Although I have to admit I love it here.  :)  This page is for anyone who is interested in finding out a little bit about me.  My internet names are femme381, hot_blond_one,  Rusalka_f. and just_me_in_a_lil_red_bow...along with a few others that I keep to myself.  Feel free to contact me on Yahoo!, ICQ, or AOL Instant Messanger.  Enjoy my creation.


Some of my favorite things are those which may never have exsisted in the first place.  At least they never have to those who don't believe.  Below you will find links to pages about unicorns, faeries, and the  Rusalka.   Also there are pictures of my friends, family, and animals.  Please enjoy them.  I know that I do a lot.  :)


Pictures and links of unicorns.