Genes Mektronics Page
Just thought I'd start here.  I don't really know what would work as an Intro but what the hell, do what turns you on.  Perhaps I can be of some help, IF it needs fixing or whatever.  I'm one of those classic old timers who learned how to fix anything because they had to.  Replacements and the corner parts house just weren't what you'd call available.  So....I've got all the toys a guy would need to work and fix and a shop to work in.  What else could a guy need, besides a warmhearted gal to pat him on the back once't in awhile?
Please, be careful.
Yeah, I know, what else? Kinda Scary Huh?
Just me and I'm working.
This is one of my more pensive moments.
This is my happy face!
Now THIS ONE is really scary, even scared me!