Welcome to my page — I'm Rita and this is my world!
In May of 2004, my husband Charlie and I moved to our little cabin on the lake in the north woods of Wisconsin. Life is very peaceful here in God's country. We watch the changing seasons and rejoice in each one — each has it's own unique gifts to offer.
I work from home doing web site design. I enjoy it tremendously, and feel truly blest to be able to do what I love from the comfort of my home.
Other things I enjoy in my off time are my grandchildren . . . sci-fi movies . . . fantasy & historic fiction . . . dragons . . . gargoyles . . . fairies . . . winged-things in general . . . greenmen . . . T'ai Chi . . . riding thru the woods on my ATV and snowmobile . . . and anything Celtic — history, art, music, mythology.
Feel free to browse through the links, there are some pretty interesting things here.
Thanks for visiting my world! Linger as long as you like . . . not all those who wander are lost.