Welcome to my Guestbook!

Elisabeth - 05/27/00 16:19:37
My URL:http://www.parisnights.de
My Email:e_kuijl@parisnights.de
Fav episode: too many to list
Fav scene: Gosh, The kiss in Blood Fever maybe. At least right now

You have a lovely site and since the mail I sent you came right back, I'll just sign the guestbook. Illusions is a great story... Elli

Holodarlin' - 11/22/99 00:18:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Film/6645
My Email:holodarlin@yahoo.com
Fav episode: gee that's tough. "Future's End (both parts)"; "Tinker, Tenor..."; "Bride of Chaotica!"; "Someone to Watch Over Me" and more!
Fav scene: LOTS! one of them is when Tom is confessing his love of Kes to Harry and Harry's playing the clarinet; The Doctor's re-worded opera (sorry, that one's not a Tom scene but he was in it!)

Hi Enid! I tried to be the first to sign your guestbook last Friday but right when I was about to sign it, I got pulled away from the computer! Anyway, I love the pictures on this site! I'm looking forward to more, plus the fics! Keep up the good work

Cecilia - 11/19/99 20:13:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/c_tj
My Email:cecilia_standish@hotmail.com
Fav episode: Any that Tomīs in alot!
Fav scene: The first kiss between Tom and BīElanna.

Hi!! I just love the page, especially all the pics. Heīs incredibly gorgeous. Please more pics, if possible, I just looooooove looking at the handsome man! Cecilia

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