Welcome to the
D-E-L-i-R-i-U-M   D-E-S-E-R-T
[Brought to you by Cactus, the number 2, and the letter J]

Don't Panic

Disoriented, recollecting neither how you arrived nor if you have ever been elsewhere (assuming elsewhere exists) you find yourself in a vast desert. As a sagebrush tumbles past you hear a existential whisper "You are here thus you choose to be."
     Welcome to my homepage. I'm Cactus. To find out more about me you could hire a private investigator OR you could just click on the hyperlink and trust me to give you the lowdown.
    IT'S ABOUT TIME that I update this page a little. It's been more than 4 years since I've really worked on it. A lot has happened to me since then. I've moved 4 times and had 7 different jobs in that time span. Now I'm living in South Korea. I'll start to update some of my old pages as well as adding some new, more relevant pages.

Some of the places you can explore here at the Delirium Desert:

My Korean Page [Pics and Info about my time in South Korea]
The Cactarian Gnus [the only online newspaper written, edited and produced by plants]
???? [The ever changing mystery spot]
About Me [Me being Cactus, the other word you can figure out]
Dedication [Who this page goes out to]
Document 42 [This is for those of you who love filling out forms]
Tests and Quizzes [For those of you who's quench for being tested was never drowned in school...]
Entertainment [If you want some guaranteed entertainment...]
Good-bye [Before you leave just let me say....]

My email is at the bottom of the page so if you have any comments or questions feel free to direct them to me, otherwise they probably won't get here. I'm pretty good at responding to my email.

Send a message in bottle to me at sagebrush@excite.com
Email Cactus