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A site that searches for perfection, and laughs at imperfection. Includes a humorous look at popular Science Fiction (Star Trek, Earth: Final Conflict, etc.), and other popular entertainment. I also have a guide to female Science Fiction authors (under construction), short stories and fan reports.
Warning! This site is intended for adults and includes:
A sometimes-twisted sense of humour.
Irreverence to icons of popular culture.
Rude bits.
Serious bits.
Some non-SF elements.
An English viewpoint.
It does not include the type of picture liked by standard issue perves, and other adult material. Please click back if you are likely to be offended by rude words, think Star Trek should only ever be taken seriously, are a standard issue perve, enjoy waiting two hours for graphics to load, or think you may get into trouble with law, bosses, or parents.
I am not making money out of this site. All copyright owned by other people is acknowledged. You will find copyright notes where relevant at the bottom of each page. And I love Star Trek, etc. I just have a weird sense of humour, OK?
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01.12.01 My Retribution report is going to take a little while longer. Though not as long as it might have, since I've just lost my job. (Not that bad, I was thinking of moving on anyway). I have, however, posted a preview page. I'm hoping to do a major overhaul the site soon to improve navigation. There will be some major changes, so make sure you have this page bookmarked!
12.10.01 Finally! The Voyager: The Return report is up!!!! Half of the Voyager main cast, plus loads of other guest made this the biggest convention in Britain for many years. It was simply stunning. I also want to thank Cristy Ruteshouser, who runs Robert Picardo's fan club. I've now twice done versions of my reports for the fan club magazine, ACTIVATE! (including this one), and it has been a joy working with someone who really knows what they are doing.
It's strange, because I'm already writing my next report, for 'Supernova: Retribution'. It should be faster coming: I've taken the week off work to get a good start on writing it! 'Supernova' of course happened in the shadow of the events of 11/09/01... It was an event with some very strong emotions. I don't want to start telling the tale here until I can tell it in full. I have included a tribute page though.
Oh yeah, my script for Casualty is back. I didn't make it on to the shortlist. Not really a surprise as I felt less happy with it than my Voyager one. I learnt a lot writing it though. One thing being that I should really stick to writing SF!
22.07.01 My script is finished... and so are the reports! Not sure which was actually harder... Anyway, there are now reports on 'Odyssey' with guests from DS9 and Buffy, and on Robert Beltran's latest PA at Pages. Follow the links, or visit the reports index first for some more info. The Odyssey report is a total monster... but not quite as bad as it seems, as several of the pages have lots of pictures! I'm leaving the temporary page up for now. Have a look if you want a quick taster, though it gives away a surprise at the Pages event.
31.05.01 Lots of stuff has been happening! I've been to a couple of events; Odyssey, a convention with guests from DS9 and Buffy, and another 'Evening With Robert Beltran' (which had a couple of unexpected extra guests). My first second time... The reports are in progress, but have been delayed. For now, there's a temporary page with some pictures from both events.
The delay? I've been working on another script, this time for the British show 'Casualty', as my entry to the BBC Talent competition. The 'prize' is the chance to pitch a series idea, get a commission and see my work performed in a special reading. So wish me luck!
I've not yet put 'Cargo' (my Voyager script) into HTML: if anyone has trouble opening it, tell me, and I'll make it more of a priority. And I have established that the signature on the rejection letter is the real thing. I am sadly tempted to frame it...
Here's the link for the temporary image gallery.
02.04.01 Has it really been that long? Well, my script is back from Paramount. Don't know whether to be sad that it got rejected, or pleased that it at least got read at least halfway through... (I can tell from the bent pages, and believe me I looked for marks all the way through, but whoever read it had sadly clean fingers!) Now I'm trying to work out if Maggie Allen actually signed the letter or if it's a pre-print signature...Anyone with a similar letter who wants to compare, please mail me! rowan_green@canada.com
Of course, this means the script is no longer top secret! So 'Cargo' has now been added to the Stories section as a Word file. I'll try and put it up in HTML this weekend.
16.12.00 It's been a while, but I'm back! The story I've been working on for months is finally here. 'Seventh Haven' can be accessed through the Story Index. As for what has happened to me the last couple of months; well, I was ill, with amnesia (three days in hospital, and they still don't know what caused it... a very strange experience.) Since then I've found a job, so I'm going to have less time for this site in future. Sigh. No news on my script yet...
I've been having some problems with the counters on this site. According to support they didn't like some of my pages being called htm instead of html. Of course I've now changed them (which means updating the links on every page in my site), only to find that this page, which has been at 0 for months, is now registering... I've decided to go ahead anyway, which means you may find you need to update any links/bookmarks. Sorry! Hopefully it should minimize problems in the future. At the moment, 'gateway' pages for the old main and ring pages still exist to guide lost souls!
The Queen shows Seven around my site |
Consideration is Puerile
A page dedicated to Star Trek and the joy of the irrelevant. Not suitable
for Vulcans.
The Hall of Innocence
Dedicated to those great moments when you think "Didn't they
realize?" Some of it is rude, but (trying to look innocent) nothing
that hasn't been shown on TV....
The Hall of Amazons
Only partially complete. My aim is to provide a basic guide to great
female Science Fiction and Fantasy writers.
Reports on public appearances by Roxann Dawson (B'Elanna), Robert Picardo
(The Doctor/EMH), and Robert Beltran (Chakotay), all from Star Trek
One (very) short J/7 comic piece, and a story inspired by 'Muse'.
I still haven't got any, but if you don't understand any of the
references in my site, please e-mail me, and, where appropriate, I'll
include the information. (Please, I've got great idea for it...)
Tuvok's a Hologram!
Find out the glam identities of Voyager's cast and crew.
A strange and diverse selection. Includes the official sites for the
shows mentioned.
Webrings I belong to. Use these to find other sites of interest.
News Archive
Old news and announcements.
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If you want to contact me, e-mail me at: rowan_green@canada.com
And I don't actually look like this picture. Sorry.
Star Trek (R) is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures registered
in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Star Trek: Voyager is a trademark of Paramount Pictures.
Earth: Final Conflict © 1999 Tribune Entertainment Company. All rights reserved
All original material, unless otherwise credited, is Copyright © 1999 Rowan Green. All rights reserved.