UFO Links
If you are searching for UFO links, look no
further. You'll find it at Flux UFO links!
For everything from Roswell to crop circles and alien abductions, you will find links for it here. Bookmark this page for links to the greatest UFO sites on the web. !!!

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- Action
American Advocate New World Order, news, information
- The Aetherius
Society -Connection between UFOs and mankind's place
in the universe
- The Alberta
UFO Research Association (AUFORA)
- Albion UFO
Hunters organization that looks for answers
concerning the UFO phenomenon
- Alien Art Of
Jeff Westover Water color pencil renderings of aliens
- Alien City -
The Ultimate Searchable UFO Links Index The Ultimate
Searchable UFO Links Index
- The Alien
Cursor Page Animated Alien-themed cursors for Windows
- Alien Rock
band This band claims to be alien beings from a
- Alien/UFO art
Gallery by William McDonald & Metaphysical shopping. Roswell
art UFO's and model kit.
- Alien/UFO
Related T-Shirts featuring the Grays, a Medical Tech,
an Abduction/Medical Examination, The Men in Black and
by Edda Livingston Complete online text of Anaza's
Ark. A UFO and Alien abduction story.
- Ancient
Astronaut Society Homepage Contains: Ancient
Astronaut Theory / UFO topics / Polular Science /
Phanomena of the past and Present / Erich von Daniken
Theory / Strange artefacts / News etc.
- Anomolous
Aerial..... UFO investigative minisite designed by a
UFO Historian, and centered on the historical aspects of
the phenomenon. Included: links to intensive studies of
the major official U.S. UFO projects, and several UFO
news links.
- Astral Clan
Arts - Aliens and UFO T-Shirts Original Designs* 6
Alien-UFO T-Shirt designs screened in brilliant colors
onto HD American made shirts. These shirts are all
pre-shrunk and heat treated to insure colorfastness for
long life
- AUM~Sparky's
Astounding Ancients Images of worlds finest,most
interesting,strange,unknown,wonders of the
- Australian
UFO Reports Australian UFO's -- delves into Joint
Australian and American Bases in Australia
- The Awakening
Ceremony The Awakening Ceremony
- B.U.F.O.D.
Space, Above and Beyond This site conntains loads of
information on the UFO Phanomenon, from Area 51 to the
Roswell incident. Also the home of the BUFOD UFO Webring,
the webring dedicated to UFOlogy.
- blood red
& the texas aliens Encounter with a UFO
- Chris
Campbell's UFO Page! They know everything, they live
among us! But what is the truth? Find out here! Check it
- Chupamania! A
great info resource UFOs, on El Chupacabra, with links,
articles, pictures and more!
Classic UFO Designs and pictures!
- Coast to
Coast- Art Bell Radio Show (Dreamland- Sun,) Multi-subject
talkradio show, focusing on UFO, gov. coverups,
prophecies, w/guests ranging from military officers, to
NASA, to shamans,to astro physicists.Real Audio archives
of all shows . 10-pm 3am PST
- Complete
Metaphysical Directory From Astrology to Ghosts to
- Conspiracy,
UFOS and Government Cocer-Ups: The Story Unfolds!
- Creativity,
Puzzle, and Alien Page Creativity, puzzles, alien,
artwork, UFO books
- David E.
Caywood's ET-Experiencer Art & Personal Information Art
and personal information from a Michigan ET-experiencer
UFO ART --Life-sized paintings by artist DON SLOAN
dealing with the UFO PHENOMENON
- Dreamland
Interactive Entertainment UFO UFO Info Mega Site!
- Dreamscapes UFO'S,
Mysteries, Bigfoot, Northern Lights, Oceanic, Twisters,
Astronomy, Museums, Caves, Mount Everest
- Earth/Mars
Shared Archaeology and Extraterrestrial Entity Living at
Area-51 Ancient stepped pyramid on Mars relate
directly to our own Human cultures. Area-51 document
proves an EBE is housed at the
- Elizabeth
London Information and art covering 50 years of
Elizabeth's ET encounters.
- Empath The
music on the Abduction CD is an expression of the
experiences of the artist. Words alone would not express
the feelings and emotions she has had since her unusual
encounter....with the unknown.
- Erickson
Paranormal Research Foundation Researching UFO and
paranormal phenomenon around the world. We offer a large
UFO photo gallery, a chat room, message board, a
sightings database and an online magazine and ufo genre
graphic novels.
- Esoteric
World News Metaphysical Directory ~ Events Events
listings on metaphysical topics
- Events Metaphysical
Upcoming Events
Bimonthly metaphysically oriented publication that
seeks to present a merge of science, theology, history,
UFO and Goddess related articles.
- Extra-terrestrial
art by M.Williams(The Polion Journeys) The
extra-terrestrial/UFO art of Science fiction/ fantasy
artist M. Williams featuring the Polions who journey
through the universe as the caretakers of all life.
- FDSC -
Fundamental Discussion and Study Centre Discussion
platform on Crop circles, UFOlogy, Hyperspace, Astrology,
Cosmology, Templars, Cathars, Anthroposophy, Sacred
sites, Physics and Metaphysics
- Flying Disk
Publications Are extraterrestrials on the Moon and
- The Galaxy Contains
information on aliens, pagan beliefs, etc.
- The Galaxy Aliens,
UFO Screen Saver and Alien Busy Cursors available for
download, MIDI Files.
- Genesis III
Publishing Best UFO docu-action videos. On location
with Lee and Brit Elders; witness the best UFO footage
- Globe In
Transit Exploring the influence of alien life-forms
on rock music and popular culture.
- Heaven's Gate
- Homeworld --
Fantastic Lives Bits and pieces of life on the other
side, plus the largest collection of channeled Heaven's
Gate material. Last updated 10/18/97!
- Institute for
UFO Research Sponsors the Rocky Mountain UFO
Conference at Laramie, Wy. Directed toward people who
have had UFO experiences.
- Internatinal
UFO Museum & Resarch Center
- James Lefante
UFO Central Information on Alien Abductions and
Encounters, Including Photos and Links
- PARANORMAL RESEARCHER John Horrigan has travelled
to Roswell (twice), Gulf Breeze, Area 51, Lockheed
- Kenneth's
Homepage U.F.O's and Extraterrestrial Life info.in
Spanish and English. New site updated weekly
- Light
Communications Unlimited - Spiritual Art and Music Presenting
the spiritual channeled art of Maud LaKaEL Adams,
spiritual ambient music and lots of links.
- Melinda
Leslie's home page UFO and abduction information
- The Mike
Jarmus Program Weekly radio and Internet show
covering UFOs, other Fortean and Paranormal subjects and
the Unusual. Broadcast

Please visit our sponsor
- The Mining
Company UFOs/Aliens Site Let a guide help you find
the information you want. Also new feature article weekly
& UFOs bookstore. BBS & chat coming soon!
- Mirror's Edge
Higher consciousness/UFO related material
- MUFON of
Ventura/Santa Barbara Counties Home page of the
Ventura/Santa Barbara MUFON group, offering information
on current UFO news, with a highlight of local sightings,
investigations and lectures.
- Music of the
Spheres spirituality, channelling, angels, UFO's,
prophecy, the second coming, new age, Christian new age,
reincarnation, prayer, life purpose
- Mysterious
Universe The LATEST in PARANORMAL NEWS! Articles on
UFOs/ETs/Space/Crop Circles/Government/Area51
- The New Age
Warriors: Cristal UFO & crystal, OVNIS y
- The Night Of
Light (Automatic Collagings Of Jeff Westover) Subconsciously
created artwork that tells a compelling tale of ET
- The Noise
Room A reference to UFOs, Crop Circles,
Archeo-astronomy, Egyptology and recommended reading
- Norwegian
Center for Cosmic Awareness Information on UFOs,
extraterrestrial contact, Lightwork and Ascension.
- oahspebooks The
book OAHSPE by JB Newbrough
- The Official
Crop Circle Homepage This is the ULTIMATE Web Ring
for the Paranormal, Occult, UFO, Alien, New Age, etc etc.
FREE to Join!
- ParaNet
Information Services ParaNet is a leading UFO
- The Portal to
Other Worlds A resource of well put together sites
that will help us explore some of the spiritual paths and
the mystical side of life.
- Rainbow Lady
Communications A Deep Trance Channeling site,
featuring Channeler, Donna Kinniburgh and her Spiritual
- RamGar's Art
Gallery UFO/Alien related fine art.
- Rob McConnell
Parapsychologist - Broadcaster - Journalist
- Roswell,
1947. Crash site of the Temporal Voyager. Roswell
revealed in Sastrugi, a tale regarding an alien invasion
in the year 2042.
- SciFi Channel
Sightings SciFi Channel Sightings
- The SETI
- Seum of Mu
[Raccoons from Mars]
- Shadowlands
Magazine Exploring
- Society for
Scientific Exploration
- A Soft
Apocalypse: Recognized Visionary Art A Soft
Apocalypse: The Critically Recognized Visionary Art of
Howard B. Johnson Jr.
- Solarscope The
stars and planets in the palm of your hand! An amazing
pocket-size planet tracker/star
locator/astronomical-astrological educational
instrument... A lifetime of fun and learning for all
- soultraveler this
is a book on u.f.o.s ,psychic phenomena,and angel
contacts. it is controversial because it attempts to give
a universal meaning to christ not as a person but as a
cosmic principal.
- Stargate
Mission Starseed, Stargate Mystery, Aliens, UFO
- Stargate ~
the Real One , http://home.earthlink.net/~pleiadesx/ An
ongoing sharing of information retreived from a very real
ancient artifact, titled
- The
structures and ruins of past Mars inhabitants. New
evidence from the Mars Global Surveyor. Buildings and
structure is clearly visible.
- Taylor
Subscription Talk
related text files, Roswell, also some UFO pictures and
links to many other Web Sites. Check it out!!!
of Images. Good info. Upcoming Radio Show and more
- U.F.O.A.A. -
United Federation of Alien Allies UFO related
artifacts & information. NEW CROP CIRCLE JEWLERY!
- UFO - Utopia UFO,
UFO Message Board, UFO Chat, UFO Links, UFO Dreambook,
New World News, PeaceDay2000, The Peace Movement, Utopia,
Utopian Future Order, Universal Fundraising Organization,
EarthFriendly Business Network, SupErlovE Lepidoptera
Labyrinth, The UFO has
- UFO and Alien
- UFO Folklore A
new UFO site with a twist ! Saken, not stirred. Highly
visual and entertaining format as well as excellent up to
date news and information !
- UFO Folklore !
Great new UFO site with a twist. Shaken, not stirred
! Great UFO news ! UFOs in the Bible and around the World
! UFO Gallery, Great Quotes and of course Great Links !
Please Visit UFO Folklore and I hope that you enjoy the
Show !
!!! Alien Autopsy, UFO crash's, UFOs over Austria,
and many other...
- UFO Tracker
(UFO Detector) How to track and detect UFO's. Area 51
video's, roswell and much much more!
- UFO TrackerŪ
Magazine Online UFO/Paranormal magazine.
- UFO's, How To
Track Them! How to track UFO's and other Mad
Scientist stuff.
- UFO's/And
Other Related Material
- Ufo,Anti-Gravity,Engineering
Ufo Research
- Ufos Many
UFO articles, Elizabeth Klarer, Val Thor, links to other
- UFOs and all
that other good stuff A big page lots of stuff must
- UFOs and the
Gods An interview with Alan F. Alford, author of
- UFOSeek - The
Paranormal and UFO Search Engine UFOSeek is the most
comprehensive Paranormal and UFO Search Engine on the
- The Ultimate
UFOLOGISTS WWW Page A one-stop no-nonsense UFO web
site for serious UFO researchers.Summary: 100+UFO
Pictures, 20+UFO Book reviews, 320 Related UFO Books
listed by Title&Author, Famous UFO
crashes/Sightings/Adbuctions,a UFO Glossary, and a UFO
Who's Who.
- Under
Friendly Observation Through Creation or evolution,
we have been watched for millenia. What must they think
now...Afraid for their young brothers. Unable to help
because of our preconeived fears. Show the world your are
open minded, display the UFO icon.
- Unexplained
Events Links and information on anything paranormal
- The
Unexplained UFO's, Area 51, Secret Government
Projects and Bases, Crop Circles, Cattle Mutilations,
Aliens, and much much more
- Unidentified
Flying Objects (Parascience)
- Universe of
Phenomenom and Conspiracy Government doesn't want
you to see this site.
site dedicated to the truth behind the U.F.O. cover-up
- We Are Not
Alone Channeled interviews with extraterrestrials
- webship sura
UFO webcrafter's place for UFO images, tiled and border
backgrounds, animation, cat stuff, images, personal
trivia, all of a UFO theme, including my own personal UFO
- Welcome to the
SETI Institute
- A Wizard's
Den New Site devoted to alternative science, UFO's,
consciousness and ESP. Worth the visit.
- The X-Files
& UFO info
- The Young UFO
Researchers This site tells you all about ufo, they
are more than 30 abducties and sightings stories, a 5
page document on UFOs and their impact on history and
much, much more!!!

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