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Team Rainbow
  To stop terrorist wherever and whenever it happens. We have current three members in Team Rainbow. Two Assult and one sniper + the two assult can also sniper if the mission requires. Team Rainbow is currently accapting appications. 
Team Rainbow  (From Left to Right) Rainbow Four, Rainbow Three, Rainbow Five
Team Rainbow's Team 2
"Rainbow Five" R5 - Sniper 2-1 Assult 2-3
Weapons, PSG-1, HK MP5-SD5, Styer Aug, Desard Eagle Two of them
"Rainbow Four" R4 - Assult 2-1 Sniper 2-2
Weapons, Colt  M16VN  with M203 Grenede Launcher, Steyer SSG-PV, MP5K, Colt 45 1911 Two of them, Glock 26, Walther PPK
Team Rainbow in Action
"Rainbow Three" R3 - Assult 2-2 Sniper 2-3
Weapons, Colt M4A1, Steyr SSG-PV, Benelli Super 90, Beretta M9, Glock 17, Glock 26, Walther PPK
My Favorite Links:
Rainbow Six Rogue Spear
Wargamer's Shop
Sniper Training
Fleet 75th Headquarters
Jedi Master Steven
Rainbow Six's SigRep: Currently accapting Accaptications
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This Webpage is made by "Me" Rainbow Five
Michael James Westerman