Laura's Page!

This page is currently under heavy construction, but I have gotten a number of pages up and running, so sit back, relax, and make sure you buckle your seat belt as you embark into the depths of...oh, forget it.


Meet BIG RED NOSE!  That's what I call him anywayz.  He doesn't exactly  have a name...  Enjoy him while you can cause he's a limited edition on my other words, that means my sister's gonna make me take him off as soon as she finds out he's on here! (see, BIG RED NOSE is kinda her file and she wants to put him on HER web page and she wants him to be there EXCLUSIVELY...selfish, isn't she?  but i really should shut my big mouth now cause this is kinda her background that I'm using...)

Meet my fluff!  I call him Bob...but then again I call everything Bob, cept for Big Red Nose, of course!  You'll have to excuse his shaky stature.  He hasn't had his morning coffee yet.
Click on Bob to adopt your own fluff!

If you like to read click here for links to various stories which I consider to be first rate (did that sound corny or is it just me?) and another one that I wrote myself and happen to be very proud other words, don't you DARE insult it!

And for all you people who for some reason want to learn
All About ME!

Well, now that you've learned a little about me, let's move on!
If you have the memory span of a goldfish, you should remember that I have a slight obsession with Yoda.  Naturally, then, I'd give him his own page!
Jedi Master Yoda's Slimy Mudhole!

And don't forget to visit my Star Wars Page, too!  There's not much here yet, but I am currently working on it and my Yoda pages exclusively, so there should be a lot more soon!

Now, if you're like me, and for your sake, I hope you're not, you enjoy lurching your knowledge over others by occasionally throwing out a completely random fact that has absolutely nothing to do with anything.  Usually the result of mentioning these random facts is everybody gives you a weird look and says uncertainly, "Really?  That's very interesting.  yeah..."  Then they give you a weird smile and try to change the topic.  Don't let them!  HIT THEM AGAIN with yet another RANDOM FACT!

And for all you INCREDIBLY bored people who have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do, this next page is ESPECIALLY for you.  I call it RANDOM RAMBLINGS.  This page is essentially me blabbering on about completely insignificant and trivial topics.  It could be ANYTHING!  Any completely random topic, which is of course why I call it random ramblings.  It might be my critique on the latest movie, a nice little story about something that happened to me recently, me complaining about some absolutely insignificant event, anything!  And the best part is, it should keep you entertained for a minimum of thirty seconds!  Have fun!

Well, now that you've seen my page, tell me what you think!

Unfortunately that's all the stuff I have for now!  If you still haven't come up with something better to do, check out my links

since 7/27/99
last updated 7/27/99