When you start to spar or fight there are some things you need to know... like how to roll dice and calculate it up. It used to be that you use 2d20 no matter what... but things change and now you hafta figure out what rooms you can and can't.. But when you go private say into a spar, MS, or something else.. then it gets personal. When you start to RP, yer allowed to use 2d20 dice...but their really crappy in spars. My suggestion: Join a guild. Once you get in, then the GC (Guild Commander) will decide what dice you get, and things along that line. Of course you'll need to know what this all means... well, it's simple... 2d20 are dice... it means 2 dice 20 sides each. To roll dice is simple.. this is the basic form:   //roll-dice#-sides#   Of course you add in yer numbers... say you have 4d56 dice  you would put in //roll-dice4-sides56. It then tells you what you rolled, and you add it up. Here's the chart to help:

1-14= 0
15-19= 1
20-24= 2
25-29= 3
30-34= 4
35-39= 5
40-44= 6
45-49= 7
50-54= 8
55-59= 9
60-64= 10
65-69= 11
70-74= 12
75-79= 13
80-84= 14
85-89= 15
90= 16
91= 17
92= 18
93= 19
94= 20
95= 21
96= 22
97= 23
98= 24
99= 25
100= 26

RP Intro
