A Wonderful Friend
*This story is dedicated to Johanna Sianny
*Special thanks to Sarah Morell
Welcome to my site. I wrote this story as a gift on Valentine's Day in 1998 for my friend, Sianny. The draft had been sent to Sarah and she made me a copy with some corrections on my English. I have tried to publish this book but due to financial problem I think I have to forget it. However I want this story to be read by anyone, so here it is. I hope you enjoy the story.
Below you can find other contents of this site, each you can access by clicking one of the arrows.
Some drawings from Les Miserables, inspired by the musical
Some drawings from other musicals
A Feline
Life, another short story written by me
Things I made in my spare time
Transcripts from movies where actor Jeremy Northam is in
Lucy's Adventure in Narnia, illustrated by Hilda Boswell
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