

Willow considers the potential of a new gal in her life, and the answer is... (9K)

Posted Jan 03

My Favourite Things

Willow and Tara, the beach, a moonlit night, and some idle conversation.(10K)

Posted May 02

Our Just Desserts

Faith has mixed feelings during a reunion with Buffy.(6K)

Posted Apr 01

Dye Dye Dye

The gals from BtVS and Angel enjoy some quality time together, special appearances by Faith and Kate. And hey, has anyone else noticed the frequent dye jobs Tara has been subjected to this year? (8K)

Posted Dec 00

Series: In Somnio aut Insomnio

Tomorrow's Another Day

You didn't really think I'd leave things the way they were, did you? (24K)

Posted Aug 01

The Dreamer Awakes

The fourth installment and possibly the conclusion to my long suffering W/T series that began with Vicarious Smoochies. With the end of the world looming, girlfriends still MIA, and The Slayer running dangerously low on witty quips... how will Willow and the gang ever find their happy ending?

Part 1 (81K) | Part 2 (78K)

Posted Mar 01

Interlude with a Slayer: The Chocolate-Bearer

Everybody out there who thought Buffy was mean to Faith in the Angel ep, Sanctuary, raise your hand. If you raised your hand, then maybe you'll want to read this story. Not that there's anything all that earth shattering in here. It's just a quick dip into my ongoing W/T series, wherein Buffy attempts to console Willow after the events of Hungry Ghosts, and comes to a few realizations herself. (21K)

Posted Sept 00

Hungry Ghosts

The next part of my W/T plotline, it rates fairly high on the angst meter, as it is an attempt to reveal Tara's oh-so-mysterious past. Not recommended for the kiddies, although how many of my stories are? *g* (118K)

Posted Sept 00

Vicarious Smoochies

My version of how Willow and Tara entered the happy domain of couplehood, since we never saw it on camera. This story gets a citation for 'extreme fluffiness' in some regards, but there is a ghost of a plot in there somewhere. (68K)

Posted May 00

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