Roswell Season One Trading Cards Info Page
My favorite TV series ever is now creating all kinds of cool Roswell merchandise. This merchandise will most likely make me broke soon so I'm saving up. One of these great items are the trading cards! I can't wait to get these cards. On this page, I will give you some info on this series of cards.

Click on the pictures below to view them at normal size. More pictures are available on my
downloads page.
Promo Card #1 Promo Card #2
Here is some basic info on the card series:

Complete set will include:
* 90-card Base Set
* 9-card Foil Puzzle "Aliens Among Us" Chase Set
* 6-card "Roswell Files" Chase Set
* 2-card "Alein Orbs" Die Cut Chase Set
* Autograph Cards

* 36 packs in each box
*  6 cards in each pack
Roswell Season One Trading Cards Checklist:

Promo Cards:
#PR-1: Promo Card #1
#PR-2: Promo Card #2

90-Card Base Set:
Character Cards:
#01 Roswell
#02 Liz Parker
#03 Max Evans
#04 Isabel Evans
#05 Maria DeLuca
#06 Micheal Guerin
#07 Alex Whitman
#08 Kyle Valenti
#09 Sheriff Jim Valenti

Episode Cards:
#10 "Save By An Alien"
#11 "The Truth About Max"
#12 "'Pilot'"
#13 "Spying On A Spy"
#14 "Key To The Past"
#15 "'The Morning After'"
#16 "Suspicion"
#17 "The Unearthly"
#18 "'Monsters'"
#19 "Ganging Up On Max"
#20 "A Final Farewell"
#21 "'Leaving Normal'"
#22 "Vision On Canvas"
#23 "Topolsky's Warning"
#24 "'Missing'"
#25 "The House"
#26 "Out Of The Darkness"
#27 "'285 South'"
#28 "A Symbol Of Home"
#29 "The Cave"
#30 "'River Dog'"
#31 "The Desperate Hours"
#32 "Alex Saves The Day"
#33 "'Blood Brother'"
#34 "The Dream Dance"
#35 "First Kiss"
#36 "'Heat Wave'"
#37 "Micheal's Ordeal"
#38 "Flash Memories"
#39 "'The Balance'"
#40 "Peril In The Kitchen"
#41 "The Big Game"
#42 "'Toy House'"
#43 "THe Human Connection"
#44 "Closer To The Truth"
#45 "'Into The Woods'"
#46 "Roswell's Special Guest"
#47 "A Hunter Obsessed"
#48 "'The Convention'"
#49 "Love Is Universal"
#50 "Responding To The Signal"
#51 "'Blind Date'"
#52 "Battered And Bitter"
#53 "Striking Back"
#54 "'Independence Day'"
#55 "Liz's Fantasy"
#56 "The Orb"
#57 "'Sexual Healing'"
#58 "The Return Of Topolsky"
#59 "The Shape-Shifter"
#60 "'Crazy'"
#61 "Alien Seduction"
#62 "Valenti's Gamble"
#63 "'Tess, Lies And Videotape'"
#64 "The Threat Of Tess"
#65 "The Book"
#66 "'Four-Square'"
#67 "Deadly Reflections"
#68 "Max -- Captured!"
#69 "'Max To The Max'"
#70 "Tortured By Agent Peirce"
#71 "Isabel's Psychic Link"
#72 "'The White Room'"
#73 "Ruthless Protector"
#74 "No Place For Liz"
#75 "'Destiny'"

Close Encounters Cards:
#76 "Max And Liz"
#77 "Micheal And Maria"
#78 "Isabel And Alex"
#79 "Destined For Each Other?"
#80 "Kyle And Liz"
#81 "The Sheriff And The Ex-Hippie"

Local Phenomena Cards:
#82 "Resurrection"
#83 "Not Of This Earth"
#84 "Clues To Their Origin"
#85 "Powers From Beyond"
#86 "The Hand Of Life And Death"
#87 "The Signal"
#88 "Cosmic Reunion"
#89 "A Message From Mother"

#90 Checklist

"ALIENS AMONG US" Foil puzzle cards:
#AL1 "Liz's Journal"
#AL2 "The Wisdom Of Max"
#AL3 "Isabel's Fearful Questions"
#AL4 "Babbling With Maria"
#AL5 "The World According To Micheal"
#AL6 "Kyle In Denial"
#AL7 "In Alex's Dreams"
#AL8 "The Sheriff's Report"
#AL9 "Topolsky's Warning"

#N1 "What Lies Beneath"
#N2 "Listening To A CD"
#N3 "Nasedo Transforming"
#N4 "Emerging From His Pod"
#N5 "Attacked By An Alien"
#N6 "Micheal Uses His Powers"

"ALIEN ORBS" Die-Cut Cards:
#O1 "Alien Orb"
#O2 "Alien Orb"

#A1 Jonathan Frakes (Director/Producer)
#A2 Shiri Appleby (Liz Parker)
#A3 Colin Hanks (Alex Whitman)
#A4 William Sadler (Sheriff Valenti)
#A5 Julie Benz (Kathleen Topolsky)
#A6 Nick Weschler (Kyle Valenti)