This site was posted on 7th July 1999.

Warning! It is suitable for mature audience.

Welcome to TOL - Theory Of Life

The many true faces of human Master.
Welcome to TOL - Theory Of Life
The true purpose of human creation.
One possibility.

If the reader is interested to know who really created human,
a question is being posed to the reader:
Who created the Master?

This web site only focus on the message of the content,
the design is simple and there is no graphic.

The true face of human Master
- ver01

Human limited sensor
- element01
Meaning of words
- word01
Economic activity
- economic01

Door to Space and Time
- death01

URL of this web site:

The content of this web site is universal.
Content will not become outdated, unless the rules of the game are changed.
Future update is not likely, unless the author is used by the Master again.
Commercialising this content will result in benefit but at the same amount of cost.

The author is willing to accept and tolerate any differences in belief that the reader may have.
The author has no intention to prove that all other different beliefs are false.
The author is hinting that all other different beliefs are the same but intepreted differently.
The author hopes to set an example of great tolerance to prolong peace artificially
and delay the potential of any destructive events during his short lifespan.
The author knows that any Joy received by some readers will result in Pain received by other readers.
The author can forsee that some readers will be liberated from their pre-moulded shell of thoughts,
while other readers will be locked even deeper in their small enclosed shell due to either
the reader's inability, reluctance or lack of courage to acquire knowledge that is beyond the reader's traditional boundary.

One lesson should be learnt:
Evolution will change everything, possibly including this content.
Reader should always recheck whatever the reader's used to believe.
Everything changes.
Evolution can not be resisted.
Life is a game,
it is played by the Master's rules.
The Master will always win, human will always lose.
The only way to not lose a game is to refuse to play this game.
But eventually, another game will need to be played and human will still lose.
There is no escape.

Main Page

New World, Old World

I signed up on 06/23/99 00:18:20, but have not completely moved in yet.
Please come back soon and visit me.

The description of my page is:
Many Faces of MASTER



Please come back soon and visit me.

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