As Seth walked through the mall his eyes fell upon those around him. Summer had come freeing high school and college students alike to shop and generally roam everywhere. He walked among youths hearing bits of conversations filled with lingo he barely understood. At 46 he was a life time away from such things, but his eye roamed all the same. As it did, so did his longing. He had come to the mall to purchase a new pair of jeans. Barely 5 minuets passed when he was approached by a clerk, who when tried to help, gravitated towards a pair 4 sizes too large in the waist. |
CLICK Seth to see him change |
Seth took his size 34 work jeans, paid and left, hoping the same would happen to the girl when she went shopping one day. In the food court he settled into a hamburger and fries all the while watching the younger people around him. A young man, no more than 20 approached a table with two of his friends, each carrying a tray of food. The kid was massive. The tank top he wore was more a second skin accentuating every detail his sculpted torso. His hair was short, blond, and he had two ear rings, one in each ear. Every thing about the boy signaled youth and vitality. From his physical condition to the style in which he dressed. Realizing he was staring Seth looked away taking a sip of his drink. It was then he realized something else ... he had gotten an erection. Surprised he left, thankful for his loose fitting jeans. |
That night his closed eyes saw only the built youth in scenarios non-sexual but merely voyeuristic. Standing in front of the mirror after his shower Seth took in what 46 years had done. His once full head of hair was only a ring covering the back and sides. At one time a deep dark brown it was now 40 percent gray, a percentage that seemed to be increasing more every month. Even his full beard could not fight off the white hairs which had conquered his chin. Staring at his pear shaped body he realized why he dreamed of the young man and remembered 20 years ago he would, at times, be aroused by his own fit body. But that 20 years ago... “Oh to be even 26 again. I’d settle for that.”, he thought. With his new jeans on he went to the kitchen for breakfast. Getting his mug from the cabinet he noticed an old can of Protein Shake power and decided, “why not?” But as hot as it was he wanted coffee. So he decided to make the protein drink hot. Unwilling to wait for water to boil he added the powder to cold water and decided to “nuke” it. Like eggs in a soufflé the contents of the mug rose increasing in volume. A tiny arch of electricity hit the mug. Quickly Seth reaching for the power button. Grabbing a mitt he reached into the microwave cursing his stupidity for using the ceramic mug with a flat silver rim finish. Metal in a micro wave, god, he was losing it. In a short time the contents was cool enough to drink, aside from a slight bitter taste it wasn’t that bad. |
As he read the sports section of the paper his eyes jealously lingered over the pictures of the young athletes. Then he became aware of a growing warmth in his stomach. Placing his hand on his bare belly he could feel a rising heat, but no pain. A sense of vertigo filled him along with panic as he found it hard to stand. Closing his eyes to steady himself he held onto the chair as he felt his new jeans drop from his waist. Just missing catching them his hand landed on his stomach... greatly flatter and firmer than before. The incredible warmth that was in his stomach now spread covering his legs and arms, rising into his chest, filling his head. He tried to focus but couldn’t. His body changed, as years passed backward. He knew what was happening and was caught up into. He welcomed and reveled. When he opened his eyes he knew he was different, he felt improved, younger. Beyond his dreams, beyond his desires, he wasn’t prepared when he looked in the mirror. He had gone beyond the targeted wish of 26. Even the youthfulness of 20. Before him in the mirror he was a teen. This was how is looked at 17. When he entered his first and only competition. The regression of years gained him back his full head of hair minus the gray and, the beard. He felt the bulk of his “old” body and swore he’d never let himself go again. Later that day a young built 17 year old strutted in the mall food court and swaggered past a young blond man of 20 with earrings ... both caught the eye of the other, and both became aroused for different reasons. |