Solace RPG History

370AC- The Conclave of High Sorcery moves their Tower into Solace, and decides to open its doors fully to new membership. Construction of a new white mages tower begins in the town of Solace. The black magi follow suit, and the red wizards maintain the balance by constructing a tower of their own. As the birthplace of many of the Heroes of the Lance, Solace has become a place of pilgrimage for many young heroes. With the arrival of the wizards, the city is now a key strategic location.

371 AC-
Young Solamnic Knight, Kelek Uth Wistan, arrives in Solace and establishes the 'Protectors Guild' to defend the citizens from the unscrupulous mages. He is joined by elven adventurer Rand Holindale and other notable young heroes to be.

Ex-Knight Maren Sterling begins his rise to fame as the worlds greatest swordsman.

Crysania, Revered Daughter of Paladine, organizes the construction of a grand temple of Paladine on the shores of Crystalmire Lake.

372 AC-
Mistress of the Black Robes, Meredith, is banished from Krynn for betraying Takhisis.

Evelwyn Penlluathe arrives in Solace, establishing the Bards Guild. She is assisted in this endeavour by author Karl Lupine who arrives to cover the tour of legendary chanteusse, Yellow Belmont.

Mysterious noble, Mamoru Spielban, purchases the remaining lands controlled by the Seeker temple in and around Solace.

373 AC-
Lord Ariakan and the Dragon Army attack the High Clerists Tower. Solamnian forces, including a group of adventurers from Solace, fight them off. Assisted by Fizban and Evelwyn, Kyle Wyndsong (who had been in Solace under the guise of Karl Lupine/Yellow Belmont) sends Lord Ariakan to the Abyss.

High Priestess of Takhisis, Lyranna, constructs a secret temple in the forests outside Solace. Lord Marduk, claiming to be an agent of Takhisis, takes up space in the Temple.

Silvanesti noble, Rynare Caladon, assumes control of the Black Robed Wizards.

Grey robed mage, Paige, joins the Red Robes as apprentice to Justarius.

Maren Sterling establishes the Thieves Guild of Solace. Notable members include (briefly) the mercenary Kuno Hunter.

Hikaru Moonstream and Nethalye Nystar join the White Robed Mages.

374 AC-
Gilthana Nightflower, Knight of the Lily, infiltrates the Order of Black Robes, apprenticed to Rynare.

Head of the Red Robes, Justarius, is captured by a lich. Adventurers from Solace come to his rescue.

In Justarius' absense, Rynare Caladon takes command of the Conclave of High Sorcery.

Alaric Kendall becomes apprentice to Catherine, wife of Justarius, also a cleric of Gilean.

Civil war erupts in Northern Ergoth, pitting the humans against a combined force of Dwarves, Elves, and Minotaurs. The fighting engulfs the entire Island. Solamnian forces ally with the humans.

375 AC-
The War in Ergoth reaches its most bloody stage of fighting. Thousands of refugees flee the island. Human casualties are high.

The Temple of Paladine becomes an unofficial haven for Ergothian refugees. Temple head, Ryna Maezino, is determined to keep the doors open, despite the anger of the town council.

The involvment of the Knights of Takhisis as allies to Ergoth causes the Solamnian forces to withdraw from the war.

Gilthana Nightflower betrays the Knights of Takhisis, and allies with Rynare Caladon.

A Dragon Army contingent launches an attack on the city of Solace, hoping to destroy the seat of the Wizards' power. They are defeating by a combined force of Solamnians and adventurers.

Famine spreads throughout Solamnia, leading to civil unrest.

Lyranna disappears from the Temple of Takhisis.

Elsbereth Nemesys arrives to take control of the Temple of Takhisis. She quickly begins to take advantage of the chaotic situation in Solace.

Paige passes his test of high sorcery.

376 AC-
Nethalye Nystar passes her test of High Sorcery.

Catherine organizes the construction of a Temple of Gilean.

Gilthana Nightflower allies herself with Maren Sterling, the father of her unborn child. They flee from the Solace.

The Conclave faces its greatest threat in the growth of renegade mage orders, most notably the Knights of the Thorn. With the recent wars wiping out many of the current generation of young magi, membership is at an all time low. Rynare Caladon, head of the conclave, organizes a temporary allegiance between his order and the Red Robes, led by Catherine. Justarius goes missing while seeking the source of these defections. The White Robes are without a stable leader.

Kelek Uth Wistan killed by forces of Takhisis, and cursed by Raistlin Majere to walk the land as undead. When the Knights of Solamnia arrive for his funeral, it is decided that a post of Knights be assigned to the Protectors Guild. They are placed under the command of Sasha Giovanni, a young Knight of the Sword. An enevitable split forms between the Knights and the regular adventurers in the Guild.

A permanent garrison, Brightblade Keep, is constructed by the Solamnian knights in participation with the town council of Solace. Protectors Guild is closed.

General Antares, former Knight Commander, leads a coalition of peasant reformers to Palanthas. Joining his lieutenant, Kyle Wyndsong is a group of young adventurers from Solace, Hikaru, Rand, and Nethalye. The intervention of mysterious military forces in Palanthas leads to the death of many of the revolutionary leaders - including Antares and Kyle.

Civil War erupts in Solamnia, with all the major noble houses as well as peasant groups involved. The war drags on over the next two years, throwing the politics of Krynn into further Chaos.

378 AC (Winter)-
The Present

In the intervening years, Solace fell under the control of a powerful council of elite nobles. Jurisdiction of the Knights of Brightblade Keep is limited to lands outside of the town borders, nullifying their influence in the town. Many of the peasants have lost the rights to their lands, which in many cases are worked by Ergothian refugees who have settled in the town - leading to frequent conflicts between newcomers and older residents.

The Mages Council is similarly marginalized in Solace. Nethalye Nystar is appointed head of the White Mages regardless.

Rand, Vic, Misha, Speck, and Reden form the "Rangers of the Crystalmir" - a secret organization of adventurers to protect the town from corruption.

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