
I have wondered sometimes if a man to be a man must not master a woman and if a woman to be a woman must not know herself mastered.
Outlaw of Gor - 206

Strong men simply need women. This will never be understood by weak men. A strong man needs a woman at his feet, who is truly his. Anything else is less than his fulfillment. When a man has once eaten of the meat of gods he will never again chew on the straw of fools.
Explorers of Gor - Page 12

"It is hard to be a man," I said, "until one stands in a relation to a woman. And, I suppose, it is hard to be a woman until one stands in a relation to a man."
“What relation," she asked, "Master?"
“That of the natural order of nature," I said.
"Yes, Master," she said.
I looked at her. "I cannot know well the nature of your feelings," I said, "but I know, and well, that women are deep as well as beautiful."
"We are so different from you," she said. "I fear you will never understand us."
"It is doubtless easier to put you on your knees and push the whip to your teeth than it is to understand you," I said.
“The man who truly understands us," she laughed, "is the first to put us on our knees and make us kiss the whip."
Explores of Gor - Page 188

I awakened, suddenly startled for the instant. Then I realized what was happening. I was perhaps an Ahn before dawn. She lifted her head from my body. It was hard to see her in the light. The fire had burned down.
“Please do not whip me, Master” she said, frightened.
“You may continue,” I told her.
She again bent her head to my body. She knelt beside me, in the darkness. Her hands were tied behind her back. The tether was on her throat.
“Stop for a bit,” I told her.
“Yes Master,” she said. I felt her cheek against me. The she put her head down on my belly.
“Forgive me for disturbing your rest, Master,” she said. “I know I should not do that. Beat me, if you must.”
“I am not angry,” I said.
“I could not help myself,” she said “though I feared I might be beaten. You do not know what it is to be a female slave, I am so weak. I was so overcome with desire for my master.”
“I am not angry,” I told her, “but do not let it happen too often. It is I who will instruct you as to when to serve my pleasure.”
“Yes, Master,” she said.
“It is perfectly acceptable for you to lie alone in the darkness, miserable, torments by your need” I said “for you are a slave.”
“Yes Master,” she said. “But may I not, upon occasion beg to be used?”
“Of course,” I said.
She then, lifting her head, began to lick and kiss softly at my body, I looked up at the stars, I listened to the noises of the jungle night. "How sweet, and strong, and beautiful it is," she said.
I said nothing.
“Are you angry with me, Master?” she asked.
“No,” I said.
“I love to kiss you,” she said, then again put her head down on my belly.
“Do not stop, Slave,” I said.
Again she lifted her head.
Then I took her by the hair and drew her close to me.
“Master?” she asked.
“Perform,” I told her.
“Yes Master,” she said.
I then forced her head downward and held her in place as is common with slaves.
“You are skilled,” I told her.
She moaned softly.
“Quite skilled,” I said.
She moaned again, a sweet, soft and piteous moan.
“Aiii,” I whispered softly, and not releasing her, holding her head to me, reared to my feet, half crouching. She was gasping, sobbing. She was half lifted from her knees. I looked down at her. How incredibly beautiful she was in the jungle night, so small, so white and soft, her small hands tied behind her, the tether on her throat. I gasped, and put my head back, taking air into my lungs. Then I lowered her gently to the ground.
She looked up at me. "I love you Master," she whispered.
I forced myself to remember that she was only a slave. Then I lay beside her. I wiped her mouth with the back of my forearm, I held her head in my hands and kissed her on the forehead. Then, shuddering, I clutched her. In a few minutes I was calm, in a quarter of and Ahn she felt me move against her thigh.
"You are strong, Master," she said.
"You are beautiful," I told her.
Explorers of Gor - Page 367-368