Slaves, Male
Value Male slaves, on Gor, are not particularly valuable, and do not command high prices. … A high price for a male is a silver tarsk, but even a plain wench, of low caste, provided she moves well to the touch of the auctioneer's coiled whip, will bring as much, or more. An exception to the low prices for males generally is that paid for a certified woman's slave, a handsome male, silken clad, who has been trained to tend a woman's compartments. Hunters of Gor - Page 32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sixteen tarsks was actually a high price to pay for a male silk slave. Most would go from four to six tarsks. Fighting Slave of Gor - Page 173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most male slaves in the city were pampered silk slaves, owned by Gorean women who had not yet learned their sex. Magicians of Gor - Page 71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In some cities , including Ar, an unchained male slave is almost never seen; there are, incidentally, far fewer male slaves than female slaves; a captured female is almost invariably collared; a captured male is almost invariably put to the sword. Assassin of Gor - Page 51 |