I regarded her. Her small feet were on the lower, rounded crosspiece. Her toenails were not painted, of course. Such is almost unheard of among Gorean free women and is rare even among slaves. The usual Gorean position on the matter is that toenails and fingernails are not, say, red by nature and thus should not be made to appear as if they were. They also tend to frown on the dyeing of hair. On the other hand, the ornamentation, and adornment, of slaves by means such as jewelry, cosmetics, for example, lipstick and eye shadow, perfume, and such, is common, particularly in the evening. Also, to be sure, her fingernails and toenails might be painted. As she is a domestic animal, she may be adorned in any way one pleases.
Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 186 “But a free woman is a thousand times more valuable than a slave!” she said. “Many,” said I, “regard a slave as a thousand times more valuable than a free woman.” She cried out, angrily. It interested me that she had put a specific value on a free woman. “But then,” I said, “many also believe that the free woman and the slave are the same, except for a legal technicality.” “Surely you do not mean that slaves are actually free women,” she said. “No,” I said. “I do not mean that.” “Sleen! Sleen!” she said. “Free women are only slaves, not yet collared,” I said. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 192 - 193 A free woman may bargain with her own beauty, of course, and it is often done. This is quite different from the case of the female slave. Her beauty, like herself, is owned by the master. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 194 Many free women know more of the behaviors of slaves, and details of the relationships between them and their masters, than many free men give them credit for knowing. Indeed, many free women, while expressing disinterest in such matters, or disgust at their very thought, tend to be fascinated by them, and inquire eagerly into them. Perhaps there is a practical motivation for such interests. Perhaps they wish to know such things in case they should one day find themselves being pulled from a branding rack, their own flesh marked. To be sure, no free woman knows really what it is to be a slave, for that is known truly only to the slave herself, similarly, there is much in the relationship between a slave and her master that cannot be known to a free woman, much that she cannot even suspect. She is likely to learn these things, so precious, intimate and secret, so profound, wonderful and rewarding, so fulfilling, to her astonishment and revelation, only when the collar is on her own throat. She will then understand why many slave girls would rather die than surrender their collars. In the collar they have found their joy and meaning. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 213 I felt her body move a little, helplessly. This gave me pleasure. I wished she were a slave. Free women are so inferior to slaves. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 216 “And what are you feeling now?” I asked. “I do not know!” she said. “Female need, perhaps?” I asked. She cried out, with misery. “Please do not use such words to me. I am a free woman.” “Free women have no needs?” I asked. “Surely not like this!” she wept. “Do not be ashamed of what is natural, and grand,” I said. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 222 “You were curious to know what it would be like,” I said. “Why?” “Nothing,” she said. “Many free women are curious about such things,” I said, “what it would be like to wear chains, to be subject to a whip, to have a master, such things.” Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 256 Free women, on Gor, are seldom seen on the stage. Almost all female roles, accordingly, are played either by men, sometimes boys, or female slaves. To be sure, there are many exceptions to this, as theater on Gor is a very diversified institution, with many forms, with varying levels of prestige. There is a great deal of difference, for example, between a grand historical drama recounting the saga of a city, staged in a tiered amphitheater, and a comedy set up on an improvised stage at a crossroads. On the whole free women do not attend most forms of theater on Gor, unless incognito, in heavy veiling or even masked. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 288 Remember that they have never seen the face of the Lady Ina, not fully, for she was always veiled when in their vicinity. Too, as you have been under discipline, and will continue to be kept under discipline, I do not think you are likely to be betrayed by the arrogance or mannerisms of a free woman. For example, you may not be aware of this but you now carry yourself, and move, differently from what you did before. Everything about you now is much softer and more beautiful than it was. Indeed, frankly, I do not know if you could go back to being a free woman, at least of the sort you were. That I fear, for better or for worse, is now behind you.” Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 292 “But as a free woman of high caste,” she exclaimed, “to be put in the garment of a free woman of low caste is unthinkable!” “I see your point,” I said. She flung the garment angrily down. “What are you doing?” she asked, apprehensively. “I am removing my belt,” I said. “For what purpose?” she asked. “You are going to be lashed as you never believed a woman could be lashed,” I said. She sank to her knees. “No,” she said, “please.” “Then pick up the garment in your teeth,” I said, “and bring it to me, on all fours.” Frightened, she did so. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 378 - 379 I was looking at her feet. Her feet were small, her ankles lovely. She was now in sandals, as befitted a free woman. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 381 We were now inside the back door of the tavern, in a small, dimly lit corridor. The tavern was the Jeweled Whip, one of a large number of such taverns on Dock Street in Brundisium. “Thigh,” said the fellow who had admitted us, looking at Ina. He wished, of course, to ascertain that she was a slave. “She is a free woman,” I said. “We do not want her kind here,” he said. “Where am I?” asked Ina, from within the hood. “It is against the law,” said the fellow. “We do not need more trouble with the authorities. And such, too, inhibit the girls.” Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 399 - 400 “Have you ever worn slave silk before?” I asked. “No!” she said. “Of course not!” “Some free women,” I said, “purchase it secretly, and wear it in the privacy of their own compartments, sometimes weeping with need and sleeping at the foot of their own bed.” Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 405 “Any free woman who couches with another’s slave, or readies herself to couch with another’s slave, becomes herself a slave, and the slave of the slave’s master. It is a clear law.” Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 7 “Fellows as handsome as he,” complained the merchant, “should be forced to go veiled in public.” “Perhaps,” I granted him. Free women in most of the high cities on Gor, particularly those of higher caste, go veiled in public. Also they commonly wear the robes of concealment which cover them, in effect, from head to toe. Even gloves are often worn. There are many reasons for this, having to do with modesty, security, and such. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 12 A free woman drew back her robes, hastily, frightened, lest they touch an Initiate. It is forbidden for Initiates to touch women, and, of course, for women to touch them. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 17 Page41 |